
Wednesday 12 April 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-4-2017

Hmmm … 

Right at the moment?

Right at the moment, my computer seems to be running well.


As you know, yesterday, I had major issues: having to restore my main hard drive from a Time Machine back-up.

Well … the damn main drive is still making those intermittent clicking noises.


I’ve found a cheap enough replacement at my local CeX: although, obviously, I’d prefer to buy new.

Actually?   All I’d prefer is an new Mac, but there you go.

All I can feasibly do next?

Is get hold of the relevant version of macOS, plonk it on the new drive … 

And hope like hell … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 12th April, 1606, saw the original version of the Union flag adopted: for use on English and Scottish what?
Q2) It was then known as the what Union flag?
Q3) In either case, where was it the flag of: the UK, USA, USSR or Great Britain?
Q4) When the flag was used on ships, it would have been described as a Naval what?
Q5) Finally … the flag usually gets called the Union Jack.   In other words, it’s meant to be flown on the back or front of a ship?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 11th April, 1976, saw the building of the first Apple 1 computer.   Who was that computer’s designer?
A1) Steve Wozniak.   (There’s still an argument that says, in designing and building the 1, Wozniak invented the modern personal computer.)
Q2) 11th April, 1990, saw UK Customs and Excise agents seize for a device bound for Iraq.   The device in question was what was dubbed the super … what?
A2) Supergun.
Q3) Which island colony was granted self-rule: on 11th April, 1957?
A3) Singapore.
Q4) Israel’s second largest city — by population — was founded on 11th April, 1909: and has a name that means White City.   What city are we talking about?
A4) Tel Aviv.
Q5) Finally … Israel’s Foreign Minister, Shimon Peres, signed the London Agreement: on 11th April, 1987.   The other signatory was King Hussein of where?
A5) Jordan.
I’ll leave you with a thought … 

“… the Government is keen to make the Union Flag a positive symbol of Britishness reflecting the diversity of our country today and encouraging people to take pride in our flag.”
Margaret Hodge, MP.

A song … 

And a reminder that today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s post.

Have a good day.

*      It sound like we’re both having days, Olga!‡   Sounds like it’s on a par Debbi going top over tail in the shower, a few years back.   At ANY rate?   I’ve emailed over the only Easter questions I’ve could find: none of which have the relevant links that I now tend to add.   Which only tells you quite how long it’s been since I’ve written one!   Oh … I do know I read — once, a long time ago — that in East Asian, they don’t see a man in the moon: they see a hare in the moon.   Hares, Easter Rabbits?   Shame Easter wasn’t in March, this year, you’d have a Mad March Hare reference.   (Yeah, I got the year wrong: yes, I know stuff about Apple … but my typing’s atrocious …)

†        And we know how you’ve felt about Amazon at times, Debbi!‡   Glad to know you’ve found them, somewhere, though.   Hmmm I do know Amazon seems to be expanding.   They’ve got that whole Amazon Pantry thing going on in the UK, and are expanding into business supplies.

‡        Oh, are either of you using Microsoft Word?   Seems MS have had to issue a patch for the Windows version: after a bug was exploited to steal bank details and logins.   They’ve not yet commented if the issue faces the Mac version.   Personally, I’m glad I don’t use it: but will have to be careful opening Word documents with Pages or NeoOffice.   (Here’s the BBC report.)


  1. Q1) ships
    Q2) The King’s Colours or Great Union Flag (I think)
    Q3) United Kingdom
    Q4) Jack? (even checking the questions I have no idea what you’re asking so… who knows?) I found them called maritime flags… But naval…
    Q5) The back
    I hope you manage to sort out the computer. I'm trying to get a new phone as mine won't even allow me to answer calls any longer. Yes, it wasn't the battery. And yes, it's an old Apple phone. Trying something different but it will take time to set up.
    Indeed I use word, otherwise not sure how I'd write anything. (I have another programme but haven't got used to it). Whatever... I bought a Malware programme last year when I had the problem with the computer and it's constantly checking and trailing my computer, live, so hopefully, I'd be OK. (I never open any messages purporting to be from Microsoft or anybody).
    By the way, I got your e-mail but the message only took me to the general pages not to any specifics. As I told you I have quite a few things to talk about. And that reminds me I should print them...

  2. Ugh. Microsoft Word. I use it unwillingly.

    1. ships
    2. Royal (not sure about this one)
    3. Great Britain
    4. Ensign
    5. front

    By the way, I'm reading a YA book called "How to Build a Girl". It's hilarious. You just might like it, Paul.

    It's about a (totally uncool) British girl and her dysfunctional family. The father is a stitch. At one point, he says something like, "No one in this family votes Tory. We vote Labour!!"

    Also, the family has a few choice words about Margaret Thatcher. It's really a great book.


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