
Monday 3 July 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-7-2017

Oh, blast!

I hate doing that … !


You’ve guessed it: I forgot to put my alarm on

I hate that, when that happens!


Let’s move on, shall we?   As I’m time limited.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License or video … 

Q1) The 43rd state to be admitted to the USA did so on 3rd July, 1890.   Which state was it?
Q2) President Carter  signed a directive on 3rd July, 1979.   The directive gave secret US aid to anti-soviet forces, where: Pakistan, Afghanistan or Turkey?
Q3) The Constitution of Puerto Rico was finally approved: on 3rd July, 1952.   By whom?
Q4) The Stone of Scone was returned to Scotland: on 3rd July, 1996.   The stone is traditionally used in British what: Parliamentary openings, coronations or the Changing of the Guard?
Q5) Finally … 3rd July, 1927, saw the birth of film director, Ken Russell.   Which of his films was about a deaf, blind, youngster who plays pinball?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 2nd July, 1963, saw the birth of film critic, Mark Kermode.   He also plays double bass: for a skiffle band called what?
A1) The Dodge Brothers.
Q2) 2nd July, 1904, saw the birth of René Lacoste.   Besides inventing the Polo shirt, he was noted as a player of what: tennis, golf or polo?
A2) Tennis.
Q3) 2nd July, 1890, saw the US Congress pass the Sherman Antitrust Law.   The law was designed to make sure US business didn’t form what: banks, monopolies or cartels?
Q4) 2nd July, 2013, saw the International Astronomical Union Pluto’s fourth moon.   What WAS that name?
A4) Kerberos.
Q5) Finally … 2nd July, 2013, saw the International Astronomical Union Pluto’s fifth moon.   What WAS that name?
A5) Styx.
Here’s a song … 

And a thought …
“This is not the age of manners. This is the age of kicking people in the crotch and telling them something and getting a reaction.”
Ken Russell, 3 July 1927 – 27 November 2011.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, that I did, Olga‡: great little episode, although it’s the middle episode of three!   And, yes, it was sad to hear about Barry: the man was the movies, when I was growing up.   His death is one hell of a loss.

†        I finally managed to catch it, Debbi‡: great little episode!   Nice to see another Game of Thrones regular!

‡        If you’re both interested?   This is my write up on the thing: even managed to get a comment, from an old friend, Sean.


  1. Q1) Idaho
    Q2) Afghanistan
    Q3) The United States Congress
    Q4) Coronations
    Q5) Tommy
    I grew up with Spanish cinema critics (pretty good too) but I used to watch Barry Norman on the telly without a fault once I moved to the UK. Have a good beginning of the week (even with the alarm issue)

  2. Can't wait for Christmas! Well, the Doctor Who Christmas, anyway. :)

    1. Idaho
    2. Afghanistan
    3. Luis Muñoz Marín
    4. coronation
    5. Tommy


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