
Saturday 19 August 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-8-2017

Hmmm … 

That’s … 

Entertaining … 

Possibly … 

It seems Australia’s high court has ordered Internet Services Providers in the country to block fifty-nine websites.

Ones that allow users to access pirated content.


I think that’s a good thing.

Very good: content creators will get the appropriate payment.

But … ?

Frankly, that’s not going to stop good ol’ fashioned piracy.

Especially when you consider how easy some forms are*.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Debbi scoring four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) Augustus was named as Consul by the Roman Senate: on 19th August,  43BC.   The title’s said to date back to founding of what: the Roman Empire, Roman Republic or city of Rome?
Q2) 19th August, 1991, saw an attempted coup take place.   Where: the USA, the USSR or the UK?
Q3) 19th August, 1646, saw the birth of scientist, John Flamsteed.   Which regal post did he hold: Poet Laureate,  Astronomer Royal or Marker of the Swans?
Q4) 19th August, 192, saw Allied troops launch a raid on where: Dieppe, Le Havre or Dunkirk?
Q5) Finally?   Ian Gould was born on 19th August, 1957.   Which sport does he play: Football, Rugby union or Cricket?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 18th August, 1952, saw the birth of actor, Patrick Swayze.   In which film did he play Jim Cunningham?
A1) Donnie Darko.   (That bunny’s bloody intimidating … )
Q2) 18th August, 1969, saw the birth of Christian Slater.   In which series does he play the title character?   (The title character is ALSO known as Edward Alderson.)
A2) Mr Robot.
Q3) That same day — 18th August, 1969 — saw the birth of actor, Edward Norton.   In which 1999 film does he play the (unnamed) central character?
Q4) 18th August, 2005, saw two Indonesian islands hit by a power cut.   Name either island.
A4) Bali or Java.
Q5) Finally?   18th August, 1783, saw a meteor spotted.   Over where: Great Britain, Saint Lucia or Saudi Arabia?
As it’s his birthday, I’ll leave you with a John Deacon penned tune … 

And a thought …
“The strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them.”
Gene Roddenberry, August 19, 1921 – October 24, 1991.
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        It’s relatively easy to download illegally shared movies and TV shows from sites like Pirate Bay.
  • Download Tor, the browser that lets you get to the iffier parts of the net.
  • Download a bit torrent client, like Transmission.
  • Open Tor, and got to one of the Torrent sites listed here.
  • Find the movie/tv show torrent file you’re interested in.
  • Download it.
  • Open it in Transmission.
  • Once it’s finished, virus scan it … and watch …
†        You’re right, Olga, it was ’52 … !   Oy Veh … !   At any rate … ?   I know what you mean about mood: I was thinking Village of the Damned^ would be the thing, but … was in the mood for something newer.

‡        I know what you mean, Debbi: my Alex Kingston impression’s even worse … !   (Oh, the next episode of Game of Thrones has been leaked: as you’ve mentioned spoilers …)

^        The 1995 remake is ok: but misses the point of Wyndham’s novel, and has some of the children escape …

1 comment:

  1. Q1) The Roman Republic
    Q2) USSR
    Q3) Astronomer Royal
    Q4) Dieppe (missed the 4 in 1942. It sounds very ambitious)
    Q5) Cricket
    With my luck, I'd probably end up in real trouble and I think it's wrong (I should know with the books, although, to be honest, I don't check if mine are available anywhere. I can't imagine people rushing to get them as I already offer some for free).


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