
Monday 29 January 2018

Mr Robot — Series 3: Episodes 1 and 2 — eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h and eps3.1_undo.gz*

28th January, 2018.

Yeah, I’m right, aren’t I … ?


Choosing which TV box set to watch next is … tricky.

I mean …

Something of a favourite, but I’ve plenty of time to catch the blessed thing.


Very tempting, in fact.

Both were: as is — possibly — checking out Black Mirror, or the vintage Space: 1999.

The possibility of a movie?   As Bladerunner 2049 seems to be out and about?

Tempting … but pricey, and intimidatingly long, at two hours and forty-nine minutes.

Complaining about Sainsbury’s milk bottles?

Definitely an option.

The handles on the the two and four pint bottles are canted to the left: as the picture will show you.

Which is possibly leaving you saying “Big deal: it’s only going to slightly to pour milk from those bottles, if you’re left handed.   Most of us are right-handed.”


Most of us are.

I’m willing to bet you are.

I’m not.

I’m a left-hander, happy to be so … 

But always annoyed by design — like the design — that ignores ten percent of the planet.


But I’m going sideways, here, aren’t I … ?

Yes: because I was telling you about what I was going to watch.

I’m returning to a series whose hero, Elliot, is a hacker with a mission, associative identity disorder†, an alter ego based on his father … 

And a group of friends plotting to hold do C.A.R.

A Computer Aided Revolution.


You’re right … 


Episode 1 — eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h — shows us Elliot (Rami Malek) waking up five days after being shot by Tyrell: to find himself recovering at the flat owned by childhood friend, Angela (Portia Doubleday).

Looking after him?   After Tyrell (Martin Wallström) and Irving (Bobby Cannavale) bring the badly wounded hacker to her doorstep.

Meanwhile?   Angela is revealed to be one of the few people who realises exactly when Mr Robot (Christian Slater) is in charge.   And makes a heart-felt confession of why she’s working at E-Corp.

Episode 2 — eps3.1_undo.gz — is set five weeks on from the major hack: after managing to land himself a job at Evil-Corp with the help of Angela.

He’s convinced doing so will allow him to undo some of the damage he’s done over the course of series one and two.

There’s something else.

Both he and Mr Robot are worried about Darlene: VERY concerned that she knows more about the FBI’s investigation in fsociety’s activities.

Leaving the pair with only only conclusion.

Paying a visit the safe housed used by Agent DiPierro (Grace Gummer) of the FBI.

You can tell things are getting interesting, can’t you … ?


Now … 

Do I have a thing about hand agnostic milk bottle design?

You bet you bits I do.

I’m a lefty: and it’s why I prefer getting Sainbury’s six pint milk bottles: the don’t have those canted handles.

It’s why I prefer the one button mouse the Mac comes with.

Frankly, I’ve a bee in my bonnet about it.

I’ve ALSO got something of a bee in my bonnet about Mr Robot.

Frankly, as much as I enjoyed season to of the series?

I’d happily admit now — looking back — that the second series seemed to drag, just a little.

This third series?

Going by the first two episodes, the third series seems to be picking up the pace, whilst losing none of the technical savvy — or paranoia — the series is known for.

Frankly?   And going on the evidence of these first two episodes?

Going on the strength of the two big speeches given — Angela telling Mr Robot of her motivation, and Elliot’s anger at the world he sees around him — and the general pace of these opening episodes?

Going on the fact both Darlene (Carly Chaikin) and Angela both know when Mr Robot’s around.

I’m going to find this series very entertaining.

Oh, yes!

*        Once again, the series episodes take the of file names.   The .h indicates a header file: a file that tells you, and anyone reading it, is about^.   The .gz is a compressed file.

†        I honestly couldn’t tell you anything about it: no doubt a trained mental health profession, could.   As presented in Mr Robot, though?   It seems to function in a similar way to what we lay-people would multiple personality disorder‡.   In other words, and in certain situations,   Eliot’s normal self — played by Rami Malek — switches off, and an alternative personality — Mr Robot, played by Christian Slater — takes over.   Usually those situations are when Elliot has to deal with people.   Mr Robot is more of a people person.

‡        If I remember the very little I remember of what pop psychology I picked up, this sort of thing is associated with trauma: someone will develop an extra personality as a way of dealing with extreme trauma.   We know Elliot was pushed out of a window as a child by his father … something we’ve learnt in series one and two, but Elliot only tells Krista (Gloria Reuben), his psychologist, in eps3.1_undo.gz.

^        Sort of appropriate for an opening episode.

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