
Monday 29 January 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th January, 2018

29th January, 2018.

No, really … 

They do know how to sell you a cheap webcam.

Either that … ?

Or I’ve still not quite worked out how to sync the sound to the video … !

I think — as and when I have time — grabbing one of those intro videos, separating the audio and video, then using iMovie to re-sync them?

Would, assuming I have time, help.


Saying that?

That’s not really Amazon’s fault: more a feature of my buying choices.

What is their fault … ?

I’m in Damon House, in Rollason Way.

And, as you’d’ve possibly noticed, Amazon deliveries on my street?

Can be iffy, to say the least.

I actually had one, on Friday.

That was supposed to Watson Court, literally, over the road.

I’m blowed if I know why I ended up with it.

The only people I know in Watson Court are in number 4.

That’s for starters.

Whoever the package was for … didn’t actually ask me if I’b be their safe place.

Lastly … ?

The driver left the blessed thing on my door step.

On the doorstep: where anyone wondering into my building could grab it.

Yep, I’ve got the return labels already: having sent the email to Jeff Bezos, already.

But, dear me … !


The fact that, in all this?

That I’ve caught the opening episodes* of Mr Robot, series three, is almost incidental.

But that, at least, is looking very good.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 29th January, 1954, saw the birth of the walk’s richest talk show host.   Who is she?
Q2) More to the point, what’s the name of the production company she founded?
Q3) The evening of 29th January, 1976, saw a dozen bombs go off in London’s West End.   Which group admitted to planting those bombs: the Red Brigades, the Provisional IRA or the Ulster Defense Association?
Q4) What’s now the modern island state of Singapore was discovered — or landed on — on 29th January, 1819.
Q5) 29th January, 1985, saw — in a protest at cuts to University education — Oxford University refuse an honorary degree to whom?
Q6) Finally … The Compromise of 1850 was introduced to the US Congress, on 29th January, 1850: by Kentucky Senator, Henry Clay.   Famously, it led to which state being admitted to the Union, early?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 28th January, 1706, saw the birth of John Baskerville.   Baskerville was a printer.   He was also noted as a designer of what: typefaces, printing presses or fountain pens?
A1) Typefaces.   (A typeface is a group of related types: like Hœfler, Times New Roman or Gill Sans. It’s also called a font family, as individual members of a typeface are called a font.   They’d be things like 10-point Hœfler regular, 18-point Times New Roman Bold or 14-point Gill Sans Italic.   There’s also a Baskerville typeface.)
Q2) 28th January, 1912, saw the birth of artist, Jackson Pollock.   He was ALSO known as Jack the … what?
A2) Dripper.
Q3) 28th January, 1918, saw the birth of which English puppeteer?
Q4) More to the point?   What was his most famous puppet creation?
A4) Sooty.
Q5) Finally … Brigadier General James Dozier was rescued from his captors: on 28th January, 1982.   Those captors were which Italian group?
A5) The Red Brigades.
Here’s a thought …
“Death can only be profitable: there’s no need to eat, drink, pay taxes, offend people, and since a person lies in a grave for hundreds or thousands of years, if you count it up the profit turns out to be enormous.”
Rothschild’s Fiddle, Anton Chekov, 29 January 1860 – 15 July 1904.
And a sketch from a pool playing genius … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Writing that review?   Has me convinced I need another monitor, on top of the two I already have.   The amount of web-pages I had open was a bit over the top.   Now … has anyone got a spare Mac ready, ATI Radeon X1900 XT, graphics card … ?

†        Yeah, I know it’s a bit iffy, Olga.   I was a bit rushed, otherwise I’d’ve re-recorded it.   Or … yeah, fiddled about with three different apps to sync up everything.   (There’s possibly a smart comment about getting a Mac, there: it’s only High Sierra that’s having issues, before you say anything … !)

‡        Did you mean this one, Debbi?   Might have to check that out.   Once I’ve finished with Mr Robot.   Or Bladerunner 2049.   (Mind you that’s a looong movie!)


  1. Q1) Oprah Winfrey
    Q2) Harpo Productions
    Q3) the Provisional IRA
    Q4) I think you forgot the actual question here… Stamford Raffles perhaps? (I just like the surname. Don't mind the name either. Must use it at some point).
    Q5) Margaret Thatcher
    Q6) California
    I'm not sure why I stopped watching Mr. Robot. It tends to happen to me with series I start watching, then I go to Spain and by the time I come back have moved on to a new series and never have the time to catch up. There are some that are kind enough to wait for me...

  2. Yes, that's the one. It's excellent and not too long! :)

    1. Oprah Winfrey
    2. Harpo Productions
    3. the Provisional IRA
    4. I'm guessing at the answer you want since you didn't ask a question. :) It's either Sir Stamford Raffles or Singapura (maybe!)
    5. Margaret Thatcher
    6. California


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