
Monday 22 January 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22nd January, 2018

Hmmm … 

I’m mildly nervous, today.

I’ve got … 

Interviews … !

One — late this afternoon — is at the job centre.

Ridiculously, I’ve had to reapply for the Universal Credit I’m on, as a result of the overtime I’ve done.

Now hours are going back to normal … ?

I have to reapply: unlike LAST year, where they just carried monitoring me … !

Ridiculous is possibly putting it mildly …

The other interview … ?

Is at a call centre: that’s very local: literally, three minutes up the road!

Here’s hoping I get something out of it.

It would save a lot of money on transport … 


In other news?

I’ve had something of a revelation … !

I watched Darren Aronovsky film, mother!, last night.

Which is a bit … you know … odd.

Or, at least, odder than I felt appealing.

Hmmm … 

Have you heard of feedback?   You’ve possibly heard some, if you’ve heard some of Jimi Hendrix’s more outré tunes.

It’s happens when you put a audio source, a speaker say, too near a pickup: a microphone or guitar pickup, for example.

You get a lot of electronic shrieking.

Fine, if you’re Jimi Hendrix.

Not if you’re a blogger in Essex.

Last night, I realised that feedback … was what was causing the horrible shrieking noise, I’d get: whenever I used my new webcam.

It’s picking up the hum from my computer’s speakers.

I’ve — sort of — solved the problem, though.

By turning down the computer.

Ahem … !


Let’s shuffle embarrassedly along, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Which Lunar mission was launched 22nd January, 1968: Apollo 4, 5 or 6?
Q2) 22nd January is the feast day of Saint Vincent of Saragossa.   He’s the patron saint of which Spanish city?
Q3) A series of strikes started in the UK: on 22nd January, 1979.   The period was known as the Winter of what?
Q4) The Élysée Treaty was formally signed: on 22nd January, 1963.   The Treaty was between France: and which (then) German-speaking country?
Q5) Finally … The UK’s government started a campaign, on 22nd January, 2001: declaring the MMR triple vaccine safe.   Name any one of the three diseases the vaccine vaccinated against …
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The 2017 Women’s March took place: on 21st January, 2017.   Whose inauguration as President were the marchers protesting against?
Q2) In one of the largest drug busts of the time, 21st January, 1999, saw the US Coast Guard seize five tons of what?
A2) Cocaine.
Q3) George Orwell died: on 21st January, 1950.   Of what?
A3) Tuberculosis.   (He was 47, when he died.   That … makes me thoughtful …)
Q4) The world’s first nuclear powered submarine was launched: on 21st January, 1954.   What was it called?
A4) The USS Nautilus.
Q5) Finally … which European country declared itself a republic: on 21st January, 1925?
A5) Albania.
Here’s a thought …
“The monuments of wit survive the monuments of power.”
Francis Bacon, 22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626.
And — as it’s the late Michael Hutchence’s birthday? — a tune …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That’s OK, Olga: it’s nice to have you here, where-ever you are!   (I’ve got to admit, most of the videos I’ve added to recent posts?   You don’t necessarily need to watch: they add flavour, And occasionally, a clue.   And I know what you mean about video being distracting: it’s why I have the radio on, first thing in the morning.)

†        Hang on, a cheap lav, Debbi … ?   I’m not taken an iPhone into my bathroom, that would be silly!   But, at any rate, great minds think alike.   I figured out it was feedback, last night: and that all I had to do was … turn down the volume!   (I tend to like it at N mega-decibels!)


  1. Q1) Apollo 5
    Q2) Valencia (And now, you have me singing this: It is a rather ponderous version but…
    Q3) Discontent (I thought it couldn’t be that, but…)
    Q4) Germany
    Q5) Mumps, measles and rubella
    I hope I catch you still with the answers. About Mother, I've read very puzzled reviews before but haven't watched it. I know Aaronovski can be... bizarre. I'm not sure I am mentally in the right place for it...

  2. Ha ha ha ... you funny, my man! :) Lav!

    1. Apollo 5
    2. Lisbon
    3. Discontent
    4. West Germany
    5. measles, mumps, and rubella

    I'm posting the Orwellian short story I wrote when I was 17 on one of my blogs. It's hardly perfect, but I did get an A on it! :)


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