
Monday 22 January 2018

Star Trek Discovery — Episode 12: Vaulting Ambition

22nd January, 2018.

Now read … on … 

Hmmm … 

Which, now I come to think of it?

Seems a very odd thing to say.

No, really.

It’s only in this modern age of ours — of digitally inspired social media, and internet connected fridges — that a body can make a video … 

Encouraging its viewers to read something.

Whilst simultaneously listen to a decades old album, whilst looking it up on the latest app.

Am I the only person thinking there’s an irony, there?

Especially when you consider that the TV show I’ve watched, tonight?

Is another episode of the latest member of a franchise that’s been going … for five decades.

Yes, you’ve watched the intro, haven’t you?

You know perfectly well I’ve tonight’s episode of Star Trek: Discovery.

And, yes: this series is looking good.


Episode 12 — Vaulting Ambition — sees Michael (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Captain Lorca (Jason Isaacs) heading for the ISS Charon.   The ship is not only the flagship of the Imperial fleet: but the Palace of the Emperor, herself.

Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius* (Michelle Yeoh†): the Mirror universe’s counterpart to Captain Georgiou, Burnham’s old mentor.

It turns out … that the Emperor and the Mirror Burnham were just as close … 


Back on Discovery?

Back on Discovery, Cadet Tilly (Mary Wiseman) has convinced Commander Saru (Doug Jones) that she can get Lieutenant Stamets (Anthony Rapp) out of the coma he’s in: Stamets will be vital if the Discovery is to get back home.

What’s more?

What’s more Saru has to deal with Ash Tyler (Shazad Latif).

The security chief is tied up, in sickbay: yelling, screaming, and fluently swearing, in the Klingon that is his native tongue.

The only way to do anything about it?

Is to deal with L’rell (Mary Chieffo).   STILL held on the brig, and, it seems?

The person responsible for the state that Voq/Ash is in‡ … 


Now … 

Am I still impressed?

Am I still glued to this first season of Star Trek Discovery?

Am I looking forward to the next episode?

In one word?


Roll on, next week!

*        Which is a bit of a gobful!   Just as a minor thought, though?   I’m looking at that, and thinking that — in Discovery’s take on the Mirror Universe — the producer’s have modelled the Terran Empire on the Roman Empire.   But what do I know … ?

†        I’m also impressed with Michelle Yeoh, here: that’s a good performance as a suitable ruthless Emperor.   (As CAPTAIN Georgiou?   She’s playing another boring, wholesome, milk and cookies, Federation Captain.   As Emperor?   She’s a watchably nasty — “Have a ganglia” — piece of work.)

‡        Although, frankly?   We were given a huge clue in Episode 4, The Butcher’s Knife Care’s Not for the Lamb’s Cry.

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