
Tuesday 23 January 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-1-2018: The Royal Exchange

Oooohhhhh, but a cuppa’s a good thing, first thing in the morning … !

Yes, I know me, drinking some tea, possibly isn’t something you want to see, first thing in the morning.

But … ?

Well, I’m blowed if I know what’s happening.

But having a clip of video seems — seems — to have a positive effect on the amount of visitors.

Thanking you if you’re reading as a result!


One other thing … ?

I’ve got the radio on, at the mo.

And … ?   Radio Four’s news bulletin has just announced that — despite putting its prices up, at the tail end of last year —Netflix has managed to increase its subscribers.

Good for them.


I think it’s show us the way technology has changed our world.


Original, award winning, content?   Few, if any adverts?

Streaming is the new aerial, I think.

The fact it’s let me watch a new episode* of Star Trek, broadcast purely online?   When, twenty years ago, it would’ve had to go via a regular channel?

Could not have been broadcast without, in fact?

Possibly makes my point.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 23rd January, 1571, saw the opening of the Royal Exchange: in London.      The current Exchange on the site is what: the first, second or third building?
Q2) That original building was destroyed, during what: the Great Fire of London, the Blitz or the Eruption of Krakatoa?
Q3) It was officially opened by whom: Elizabeth 1st, Elizabeth 2nd or George 3rd?
Q4) The floorplan of the current Exchange is what: square, rectangular or trapezoidal.
Q5) Finally … The Exchange is dedicated to what: science, commerce or sport?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Which Lunar mission was launched 22nd January, 1968: Apollo 4, 5 or 6?
A1) 5.
Q2) 22nd January is the feast day of Saint Vincent of Saragossa.   He’s the patron saint of which Spanish city?
A2) Valencia.
Q3) A series of strikes started in the UK: on 22nd January, 1979.   The period was known as the Winter of what?
A3) The Winter of Discontent.
Q4) The Élysée Treaty was formally signed: on 22nd January, 1963.   The Treaty was between France: and which (then) German-speaking country?
Q5) Finally … The UK’s government started a campaign, on 22nd January, 2001: declaring the MMR triple vaccine safe.   Name any one of the three diseases the vaccine vaccinated against …
A5) Measles, Mumps or Rubella.
Here’s a quote from Wikipedia …
“Traditionally, the steps of the Royal Exchange is the place where certain royal proclamations (such as the dissolution of parliament) are read out by either a herald or a crier.”
From Royal Exchange, London on Wikipedia, as of 13th January, 2018.
And, as it’s a shopping mall … ?

A tune about money … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day!

*        Michelle Yeoh, as the villainous Emperor?   Was very watchable.

†        Bloody hell!   Opera singers know how to go over the top, don’t they, Olga … !   val-EN-ci-AHHHH!   But, yes … mother! is well made … but certainly odd!   I’ve still not seen Requiem for a Dream, though: I’m told it’s fairly straight forward in comparison!   (Yep, you caught us in time!)

‡        I certainly try, Debbi!   At ANY rate … ?   Remind me to have a float around, Debbi: I wouldn’t mind a look at that … !   Oh, what’s happening with Dead Ends?   I’m curious to know!   (Hang on … Lisbon’s in Portugal!)


  1. Q1) The third building
    Q2) the Great Fire of London
    Q3) Elizabeth 1st
    Q4) Trapezoidal.
    Q5) commerce
    Well, Mother has done very well in the Razzie's nominations...
    You Sports Direct mug looks big enough for a swim!

  2. Oh, I saw it listed on Wikipedia. Oh, well. Go figure. :)

    1. third
    2. the Great Fire of London
    3. Queen Elizabeth I
    4. trapezoidal
    5. commerce

    Here's the link: I need to fix some typos! Ack!


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