
Friday 26 January 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th January, 2018

26th January, 2018.

Yes … 

Surgery … 

I had a GP’s appointment, yesterday: mostly to get the result of  some blood tests.

Those are fine … 

No, let me rephrase that.

The results on the thyroid activity showed I needed to increase the dosage of Levothyroxine, the medication that helps me deal with my under active thyroid.

The others results … ?   For the diabetes and a few other bits?

Were thankfully clear.

However … ?

Well … 

Let’s face facts, as a result discussion that followed?   My GP’s decided to refer me to both a local chest unit, to deal with chest pains … 

And for bariatric surgery, as I’m having serious trouble, losing weight.

Yep … 

Worryingly desperate times, aren’t they … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here’s today’s questions, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 26th January, 1982, saw UK unemployment top what, for the first time since the 1930s: two million, three million or four million?
Q2) 26th January, 1564, saw the differences between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism formalized: at the Council of where?
Q3) The Point No Point Treaty was signed on 26th January, 1855: between the US federal government and three Native American tribes.   The Point is on the Kitsap Peninsular: in which US state?
Q4) 26th January, 1926, saw John Logie Baird demonstrate what: a pair of thermal undersocks, a TV set or radar?
Q5) Finally … the world’s largest diamond — the Cullinan — was found on 26th January, 1905.   The two biggest diamonds from that stone are part of which country’s crown jewels?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 25th January is the Feast of the Conversion … of whom?
A1) Saint Paul the Apostle.
Q2) Who isn’t the Feast marked by: the Mormons, Roman Catholics or Lutherans?
A2) The Mormons.
Q3) The Opportunity Rover landed on Mars: on 25th January, 2004.   What was it looking for: salt, water or cheese?
A3) Water.   (Apparently?   Martian cheese has has a nutty undertone, and crumbly texture, reminiscent of Cornish Yarg: the nettle coating is applied by trained Ice Warriors.   He say, with a straight face.)
Q4) 25th January, 1999, saw six members of the International Olympic Committee face charges of what: child abuse, sexual harassment or bribery?
A4) Bribery.   (My cynical inner voice?   Tells me that it’ll only be another half an hour before an Olympic official — from either the IOC, a national Olympic committee or a national Olympic team — gets done for harassment.   As I write?   US athlete, Simone Biles, has informed the world she was abused by the US team doctor, Larry Nassar: who’s been prosecuted.)
Q5) Finally … ?   25th January is Burns’ Night.   Which of Robbie Burns’ poems includes the line, “We’re bought and sold for English gold”
A5) Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation.
Here’s a thought …
“The universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest.”
Philip José Farmer, January 26, 1918 – February 25, 2009.
And, given it’s Stéphane Grappelli’s birthday, some tea … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day … 

*        They should be, Olga‡: the weather’s calmed down and I can’t see any issues.   (He … ?   Now I’m lost … !)

†        I usually don’t have many problems, myself, Debbi‡: mind you, we hear Scottish, AND American, accents quite a lot in the UK.

‡        Oh, how’s the video, today?   I’ve totally forgotten if I’ve put any clues in … 


  1. Q1) Three million
    Q2) Trent
    Q3) Washington State
    Q4) A TV
    Q5) The UK
    Sorry about the operation although hopefully it will help with the other health issues and drastically reduce risks. One of my friends had the operation a few years back. It helped no end although it takes time to recover and...
    I am no longer sure but I think I was talking about THX-1138 as I read your conversation with Debbie (well, at least your part of the conversation)... I think I still have a copy.

  2. I see you're reading clues AND making appearances now. Very good! :)

    1. three million
    2. Trent
    3. Washington
    4. a TV set
    5. the United Kingdom

    Vlogging is good practice for doing readings, making presentations, and so on. I never thought I'd do it! :)


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