
Tuesday 30 January 2018

Star Trek Discovery — Episode 13: What’s Past is Prologue

30th January, 2018.

Yes … 

More TV it decidedly is.

OK, OK, I could easily end up heading out.

But not having that much cash?   And living at the bottom of a hill?

There’s nowhere I’m in a rush to go to, especially.

On top of that … ?

Well … 

I was working last night.

Which is nice, certainly: it certainly pays for dinner.

Which I’ve been having a BIT too much of, recently.

At ANY rate, that’s beside the point.


Over the past few weeks, I’ve been riveted by the sheer geeky joys of Star Trek: Discovery.

This week’s thirteenth episode, What’s Past is Prologue?

Yep, that’ll keep me going … 


Episode 13 — What’s Past is Prologue — picks from episode 12: and it’s big reveal that Captain Lorca (Jason Isaacs) … ?

Is the mirror version: lost in the regular Universe, after trying to transport off his ship, during an ion storm*.

And right in the middle of plotting a coup against Emperor Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh).


Temporarily back on the Discovery, Michael (Sonequa Martin-Green) has been working with Ensign Tilly (Mary Wiseman) and Lieutenant Stamets (Anthony Rapp).

Between them, they’ve realised the Emperor’s flagship, powered by a version of the Spore Drive that takes the Discovery anywhere, is using that engine in a way that destroy the entire multiverse.

And that they’re either going to destroy themselves to prevent it.

Or … ?

Possibly end up back home.

Either way, ramming the Emperor’s flag ship is the only way to go.


Now … 

Good … ?

Oh, yeah, Star Trek Discovery is certainly keeping my attention, I know that.

They’ve rounded off the Mirror Universe section of series one, got the team back home — complete with Emperor Georgiou as a hostage — and wound up finding out that the war is not going as well as could be expected.


It looks like Star Trek Discovery is going for a big finish.

Now … 

Am I the only one who thinks Mary Wiseman — Cadet Tilly — is pregnant?

If she is … ?

The mirror universe has a lot of explaining to do … 

*        Which is how — in the original series episode, Mirror, Mirror — the Mirror universe was discovered: Kirk, Scott, McCoy and Uhura are swapped for their Mirror counterparts in the same sort of transporter accident.

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