
Monday 12 February 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 12-2-2018: In Exile

12th February, 2018

And … 


It is, after all, rather cold!

Much as it was, yesterday!

There’s an upside!

Yep: I’m incredibly grateful.

I’ve seen what may family’s getting me for my birthday.

I can’t wait until March*!


All this … ?

All this on the same night as catching some fantastic episodes of Mr Robot?

Well … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s Teaser, shall we?

Here it is, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was exiled on 12th February, 1974: by the USSR.   He was initially deported to which German city?
Q2) On top of being a writer, Solzhenitsyn was a what: historian, physicist or mathematician?
Q3) His poem, Prussian Nights, was about his experience as a Russian artillery officer during WW2: watching Russian troops commit war crimes, where?
Q4) Which of Solzhenitsyn’s novel’s was published in 1962. and set in a Soviet labour camp? 
Q5) Finally … Solzhenitsyn’s best known work was published — in the West — in 1973.   What was it called?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The Lateran Treaty was signed on 11th February, 1929.   Between Vatican City … and where?
A1) Italy.
Q2) The latter country paid the Vatican how much — in cash, and on the spot — as a result: 250, 000 000 lire, 500, 000 000 lire or 750, 000 000 lire?
Q3) 11th February saw Benedict 16th announce he would be resigning as pope: by the end of the month.   In which year?
A3) 2013.
Q4) The BBC aired what was the world’s first science fiction themed TV show: on 11th February, 1938.   The show was a version of which play?
A4) R.U.R: also known as Rossum’s Universal Robots.
Q5) Finally … 11th February, 1926, saw the birth of actor Leslie Nielsen.   In which 1956 film did play Commander John J. Adams?
Here’s a thought …
“At no time has the world been without war. Not in seven or ten or twenty thousand years.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, 11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008.
And a tune by a band called Mother Russia … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        My birthday’s on the Fourth of March.   If anyone wants to buy me a Mac compatible gadget, they’d be welcome to!   (One of those RAID arrays would be nice …)

†        I might just have to want until AFTER March, Olga: we’ll have to see!   It just strikes me having a collage and a little intro^ would be just the thing.   I have to admit, I read Joselito’s Wikipedia entry: sound’s like he had quite the life.   I’m possibly not alone in thinking Shirley Temple, Jodie Forster and Dean Stockwell seem to be the only child stars to have come out of it unscathed.   (Those postcards must be worth a few bob.   Next time the Antique Roadshow hits town …)

‡        I hope so, Debbi: my copy of iPhoto does seem to be able to do much. I might just have to have a look around!   (Oh, I’ve got the last episode of Star Trek Discovery lined up for Thursday: I’m seriously looking forward to that!   I’ve had a sneaky look and some of the Klingon ships look gorgeous!)

^        Just had a look at iPhoto’s options: they’re not quite what I’m after.


  1. Q1) Frankfurt
    Q2) historian
    Q3) In East Prussia
    Q4) One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    Q5) The Gulag Archipelago
    I think you are right about child actors. I'm not sure about Christian Bale (he's great but I wonder sometimes) or Natalie Portman, and it's too soon to say what the Fanning sisters will be like... Anna Paquin...We shall see!
    Good luck and yes, much to look forward to!

  2. Congrats on your birthday present. Enjoy! :)

    1. Frankfurt
    2. historian
    3. East Prussia
    4. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    5. The Gulag Archipelago


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