
Tuesday 13 February 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-2-2018: Glen Coe …

13th February, 2018.

Bloody Twitter … !

They are — at the moment — telling me that the Tweets I post — with each day’s Daily Teaser on them — are automated and spam.

And stopped me doing them, however temporarily!

I’ve reported it, of course.

But lord knows how it’ll take to rectify the issue.

Can I ask you a favour?

Can you complain?   To @TwitterSupport, on Twitter?

Ta … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 13th February was the date of the Glen Coe Massacre.   In which year did it take place?
Q2) The massacre was a mass killing of members of which clan?
Q3) They were killed for refusing to swear allegiance to the King.   Which king?
Q4) Massacre, and glen, are in the Highlands of where?
Q5) Finally … the Massacre is usually blamed on which clan: the MacLeods, Campbells or Stewarts?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was exiled on 12th February, 1974: by the USSR.   He was initially deported to which German city?
A1) Frankfurt.
Q2) On top of being a writer, Solzhenitsyn was a what: historian, physicist or mathematician?
A2) Historian.
Q3) His poem, Prussian Nights, was about his experience as a Russian artillery officer during WW2: watching Russian troops commit war crimes, where?
Q4) Which of Solzhenitsyn’s novel’s was published in 1962. and set in a Soviet labour camp? 
Q5) Finally … Solzhenitsyn’s best known work was published — in the West — in 1973.   What was it called?
Here’s a observation …
“The day is imprinted in Scottish history, not only because of the number of people who lost their lives, but because the men had enjoyed their victims hospitality in the days leading up to the massacre.”
From Looking back: The massacre of Glencoe The Scotsman, 12th Feb, 2016.
And a song … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Christian Bale?   Blimey, when did he get started, Olga … ?   Oh, hang on, he was in Empire of the Sun?   That shows me!   At any rate?   I saw Portman’s performance in Leon: that’s one heck of a job.   It’s kind of got ruined … by the fact she did the Star Wars prequels.   Oh … dear … 

†        I’m looking forward to uncapping it, Debbi, I know that!   It’s a shame Twitter are being a bit of a pain, right now, but … ?   Setting that up should keep me going of hours.   (It’s got a solid state drive, you know … )


  1. Q1) 1692
    Q2) MacDonald
    Q3) William of Orange (William III)
    Q4) Scotland
    Q5) The Campbells
    Leon was indeed superb. I hope Twitter behave (a few years back they kept suspending my account and to this day I still don't know why. They are not very good at communicating their reasons for anything). Good luck.

  2. You mentioned Leon: The Professional. I love that movie. Gary Oldman was ... breathtaking! :)

    1. 1692
    2. Clan MacDonald
    3. William II
    4. Scotland
    5. Campbells


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