
Thursday 1 February 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1st February, 2018

1st February, 2018.

Yep: 7·35, that’s when I did that video.

And, frankly?

I’m thankful I’ve managed to get some tea down my neck.

You wouldn’t think a pint’s worth of hot caffeine would help, would you?

But there you go … 


Right at the moment, though?

Right at the moment, I’ve got the Today on: interviewing a senior judge about the collapse of several recent rape trials, and a human trafficking case.

The cases hinge on whether police in each case correctly disclosed evidence to defence lawyers.   Evidence showing that the prosecution cases were — at the very least — extremely unsafe: if not outright non-existent.

Speaking personally?

I … 

Well, I’m not sure what’s going on.

But personally feel it’s important to have this cleared up.

Rape cases are some of the most difficult to prosecute.

Anything that puts victims off — which I feel this may — makes that harder to do.

There’s something else, as well.

I’ve met a few people who’ve done time, over the years.

Quite a few?

Claimed to be victims of a police or judicial stitch up: been manipulated into serving a sentence after being falsely accused of something they didn’t do.


The needs of the victims have to be served.

And what is — effectively — false accusations need to be stopped.

Just not only has to be done, and SEEN to be done.

For all sides.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st February, 1814, saw the eruption of which Philippine volcano?
Q2) 1st February, 1924, saw the UK give diplomatic recognition to whom: the USA, the USSR or the UAE?
Q3) Thomas Edison’s Black Maria was finished: on 1st February, 1893.   What was the Black Maria?
Q4) Ayatollah Khomeini returned to his home country, Iran: on 1st February, 1979.   Following the Iranian Revolution, which government position did he hold?
Q5) Finally … Chancellor Nigel Lawson Announced the ½p piece would be going out of circulation: on 1st  February, 1984.   What, currently, is the UK’s smallest denomination of coin?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 31st January saw the birth of singer John Lydon: also known as Johnny Rotten.   In which year?
A1) 1956.
Q2) He famously fronted which punk band?
A2) The Sex Pistols.
Q3) What was his second band called?
A3) Public Image Ltd: also known as PiL.
Q4) Lydon’s first band released their first album in 1977.   What was it called?
A4) Never Mind the Bollocks, Here’s the Sex Pistols.
Q5) Which Lydon penned song officially got to Number 2 in the charts?
A5) God Save the Queen.   (There’s still claims — given that was the week of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee — that the Pistols really got to number one: but that someone rigged the figures against them.   Amazing where you find the phrase, ‘stitch up.’)
Q6) Anarchy in the UK got to which number, in the UK charts?
A6) 38.
Q7) Anarchy in the UK was the only single released by Lydon’s first band’s first label: which label?
A7) EMI.   (They only did it, ’cos of fame.   Who?‡)
Q8) 2004 saw viewers complain about Lydon’s language: on which TV show?
A8) I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!.
Q9) Famously, Lydon advertised which brand of butter?
A9) CountryLife.   (Apparently?   It was to raise funds for the re-forming of PiL.)
Q10) Finally … Lydon is the step-father of the late Ari Up.   Which band was Ari a member of?
A10) The Slits.
Here’s a thought …
“I worked like a son of a bitch to learn a few tricks and I fight like a steer to avoid getting stuck with parts I can’t play.”
Clark Gable, February 1, 1901 – November 16, 1960.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a nice day.

*        Yeah, I get that, to.   I’m just thank it’s not often!   Talking of Sta Trekkin’ … ?   I knew Grahame, the lyricist and lead singer for the Firm.   He wrote the thing for his wife to perform at a convention: she was and is a fan of the show.   Grahame’s band used to play in the Essex Arms, back in the day, which is how I knew him.   (Fan rumour has it that Nichelle Nichols — Lieutenant Uhura — used her verse as her answer phone message.   Grahame was well pleased when he found out.   Can’t THINK who told him.)

†        It’s always the way, Debbi: our heroes are always younger than we think.   (Daniel Craig?   Is literally two days older than me.   I think I’m jealous: he’s looking a LOT better on it, than I am!)

‡        EMI.


  1. Q1) Mayon
    Q2) The USSR
    Q3) The first movie production studio
    Q4) Supreme Leader (Perhaps he watched too many movies…)
    Q5) 1p
    Fantastic! I think I would have also used it. It's irresistible. I get up at 6 am every morning (other than Sundays if I'm not going anywhere extra early), so 7:35 is very late as far as I'm concerned...(Although I know you stay up sometimes watching stuff. I try to go to be around midnight).

  2. I thought he was younger! Ack! :)

    1. Mount Mayon
    2. the USSR
    3. a movie production studio
    4. Supreme Leader of Iran
    5. 1 penny (a pence?)


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