
Wednesday 28 February 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th February, 2018

28th February, 2018.

And when I say ‘Morning’ … ?

I mean ‘Good Morning’.

Of course I do … !

The fact I’m up this early, to get to work for nine?

Only adds to the whatever it is I think needs adding to at this time of the morning!


The fact we now have snow, out there … ?

Only adds to the whatever factor.

As well as to my trip to work …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 28th February is Kalevala Day, in Finland.   The Kalevala, itself, is Finland’s national epic poe,: and written in which language?
Q2) John Taylor resigned his post on 28th February, 2000.   As head of British … what?
Q3) 28th February is the feast of Saint Romanus of Condat.   Romanus is the patron saint of whom: the mentally ill, physically ill or physically scarred?
Q4) John Wesley formally founded which church on 28th February, 1784?
Q5) Finally … Ranavalona 3rd was deposed by a French military force: on 28th February, 1897.   As queen of where?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 27th February, 1900, saw the founding of FC Bayern München.   They’re based out of which German city?
A1) Munich.
Q2) The Twenty Second Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified on 27th February, 1951.   It limits a US President to how many terms?
A2) Two.
Q3) Boris Nemtsov was killed on 27th February, 2015.   He’d been vocally opposed to a government led by whom?
A3) Vladimir Putin.
Q4) British military leaders received an unconditional surrender from Boer forces on 27th February, 1900: at the end of the Second Boer War.   War, and surrender, took place in which southern African nation?
A4) South Africa.
Q5) Finally … Carbon 14 was discovered on 27th February, 1940.   Carbon 14, Uranium 235 and Iodine 144 are all what: Isolated, isotopes or isosceles?
A5) Isotopes.   (Some my be the only known isotopes of a given chemical.   No known chemical element is triangular.)
Here’s a thought …
“I’m lucky that most of the time I’m on location in amazing places. Most of the time, I don’t need holidays, I just stop working.”
Stephanie Beacham, born 28 February 1947.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Hmmm … we got a lots of powder snow, yesterday, Olga.   Frankly?   That got me thinking it would all blow over.   This morning, we’ve got snow, it’s -4° … and there’s Amber alerts.   If Penistone’s anything like Brentwood, you’re possibly better off in Wales!

†        Right at the moment, Debbi, I’d take Earthquakes and extortionate prices along side the  sunshine.   It’s … well, it’s not warm, right now!


  1. Q1) Finnish
    Q2) Nuclear Fuels
    Q3) the mentally ill
    Q4) The Methodist Church
    Q5) Madagascar
    I suspect you are right. It got quite cold here and there was snow this morning but it's been sunny so some of it has melted. My friends have left today and I hope they'll make the airport (they were flying from Heathrow) all right. Unfortunately, the oldest of the dogs has recently developed heart problems, is on medication, and can't really go for very long walks, so I'll have to see how I manage (she is 12, so she's getting on, although she seems to be responding quite well to the medication). It's supposed to be snowing more tomorrow and Friday, but with the health of the oldest dog as it is, I don't think we were planning on very long walks. But my friends have plenty of movies for me to watch and I have to catch up on some reading, so I should not be bored...
    Do take care.

  2. I'm with you, Paul! :) If I could convince Rick, I'd move to Southern California tomorrow!

    1. Finnish (originally Karelian)
    2. British Nuclear Fuels
    3. the mentally ill
    4. Methodist
    5. Madagascar


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