
Thursday 1 March 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1st March, 2018

1st March, 2018.

Yeah … cold seems to be the word for it.


Brentwood — and Chelmsford, where I work — where both covered in snow, yesterday.

And, just as frankly?   I think it’s going to be a while before we see anything approaching a thaw.

I can’t wait, to be honest.

Right now … ?

I’m looking at a walk from front door to station, then station to work, that’s going to involve wading through a couple of inches of compacted snow, and extremely slippery ice.

Not what I call pleasant, in other words … 


Let’s be different …

Yes, let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let‘s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) Which internet company was incorporated on 1st March, 1995?
Q2) 1st March is Saint David’s Day.   The saint’s said to be from which Welsh county?
Q3) The US set off a hydrogen bomb: on 1st March, 1954.   On which two piece swimsuit?
Q4) The world’s first National Park was formally chartered on 1st March, 1872.   Which US park are we talking about?
Q5) Finally … an unofficial national strike took place in the UK: on 1st March of which year?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 28th February is Kalevala Day, in Finland.   The Kalevala, itself, is Finland’s national epic poe,: and written in which language?
A1) Finnish.
Q2) John Taylor resigned his post on 28th February, 2000.   As head of British … what?
A2) British Nuclear Fuels.
Q3) 28th February is the feast of Saint Romanus of Condat.   Romanus is the patron saint of whom: the mentally ill, physically ill or physically scarred?
A3) Mentally ill.
Q4) John Wesley formally founded which church on 28th February, 1784?
A4) The Methodist Church.
Q5) Finally … Ranavalona 3rd was deposed by a French military force: on 28th February, 1897.   As queen of where?
A5) Madagascar.
Here’s a thought …
“It is not [the biographer’s] business to be complimentary; it is his business to lay bare the facts of the case, as he understands them … dispassionately, impartially, and without ulterior motives.”
Lytton Strachey, 1 March 1880 – 21 January 1932.
And a tune …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

At least … have a day that involves not going *rse over tit‡!

*        You’ve had melting, Olga?!   I can only hope we get some, soon.   I think we’ve had more snow, last night: but I’m more concerned about what’s fallen, freezing over.   We’re … well … it’s going to be unsuitable for dog walking, I know that!   Have fun with whatever movies you watch!   (I’m going to have to catch some, later: when I’ve got time off!)

†          Well, it’s official, Debbi: they’s just announced the extreme weather’s expected to last another 48 hours.   SoCal it IS … !

‡        There’s only one song for it …


  1. Q1) Yahoo!
    Q2) Pembrokeshire (precisely the part of Wales where I am at the moment)
    Q3) The Bikini Atoll
    Q4) Yellowstone National Park
    Q5) 1971
    It did yesterday, and it did not snow a lot (it did at times but not heavily) but it got very cold. My friends have a fountain and a large pond on their property and they are both frozen solid, and even the nearby river is mostly frozen too. It is very cold, so not pleasant to take the dogs for walks (I think the walks are going to be short today). I watched a pretty extreme movie yesterday. A French movie called 'Raw'... One needs a strong stomach (I would not recommend watching it while you eat... especially if you're eating meat).
    Wrap up warm and take care. It's freezing and slippery out here!

  2. I'm with you! I'll grab my TARDIS and be right there! I wish! :)

    1. Yahoo
    2. Pembrokeshire
    3. Bikini
    4. Yellowstone National Park
    5. 1971


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