
Friday 2 February 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser —2nd February, 2018

2nd February, 2018.

No, really, what … ?


I have to confess, I was happily watching TV, last night.

Mr Robot, if you must know.

Which is looking good, still, I should say.

And?   And, as anyone reading the post will realise, the remote control for my TV stopped working.

Despite my changing the batteries.

This morning, on the other hand?

It’s now working … 

Yeah, exactly.

What … ?


That photo, so you know … ?

That photo was taken in my local branch of Sainbury’s.

It’s — would you believe it — a rack of good old fashioned twelve inch LPs.

I don’t know whether I should laugh cry or feel offended.


I feel vaguely offended.

As we’ve been listening to songs on our bloody phones for the past decade, at least!

The mild irony?

Is that Brothers in Arms, by Dire Straits — the album with the blue cover, with the picture of a guitar* on it — was the first album to sell a million copies … on CD.

Go figure, Mr Money!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) The German 6th Army surrendered to Russian forces: on 2nd February, 1943.   At the end of the Siege of where?
Q2) 2nd February is UN World Wetlands Day.   It was first marked, when: 1996, 1997 or 1998?
Q3) The British Embassy in Dublin was burnt down, by protestors: on 2nd February, 1972.   The protestors were protesting against what?
Q4) 2nd February, 1426, saw the birth of Queen Eleanor of where?
Q5) Finally … 2nd February, 2000, saw the first European demonstration of what: digital radio, digital TV or digital cinema?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 1st February, 1814, saw the eruption of which Philippine volcano?
A1) Mount Mayon.   (Mayon’s got a bad habit of erupting … )
Q2) 1st February, 1924, saw the UK give diplomatic recognition to whom: the USA, the USSR or the UAE?
A2) The USSR.
Q3) Thomas Edison’s Black Maria was finished: on 1st February, 1893.   What was the Black Maria?
A3) A film studio.
Q4) Ayatollah Khomeini returned to his home country, Iran: on 1st February, 1979.   Following the Iranian Revolution, which government position did he hold?
Q5) Finally … Chancellor Nigel Lawson Announced the ½p piece would be going out of circulation: on 1st  February, 1984.   What, currently, is the UK’s smallest denomination of coin?
A5) The 1 pence piece.
Here’s a thought …
“All day long I add up columns of figures and make everything balanced. I come home. I sit down. I look at a Kandinsky and it’s wonderful.”^
Solomon Guggenheim, February 2, 1861 – November 3, 1949.
And a song … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        That’s a resonator guitar, so you know: there’s a cone shaped plate instead of the sound hole you find on regular acoustic guitars.

†        Yeah, I do, too, Olga.   I think, the older I get, the more attractive an early night seems!   (Especially if your remote’s behaving itself … )

‡        Debbi, we’re getting old … !   (Mind you, I’ve seen what I’ve asked for for my birthday.   Here’s hoping …)

^        Wish I had a Kandinsky.


  1. Q1) Stalingrad
    Q2) 1997
    Q3) Against the shooting dead of 13 people in Londonderry the previous Sunday
    Q4) Navarre
    Q5) Digital cinema
    I had a similar experience with a TV I bought when I moved to this area. I bought a small TV around 11 or 12 years ago, the first one I had that incorporated the digital tuner inside (rather than having to buy a separate box). I bought a slightly larger TV for the lounge when I moved here and in the last few years, I didn't watch the small one much. A couple of years ago it seemed to take a long time to start and eventually would not start at all. I was about to take it to the skip when I checked it again, months later, and now it is working... Perhaps it got scared...
    Supermarkets are a low onto themselves these days...

  2. We're not getting older, we're getting more seasoned! :)

    1. Stalingrad
    2. 1997
    3. Bloody Sunday
    4. Castile
    5. digital cinema


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