
Saturday 3 February 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3rd February, 2018

3rd February, 2018.

Good … morning … 

He says … 

Yawning, gently … !

Right at the moment … ?

Right at the moment, I seriously wanting to go back to bed.

But, frankly … ?

Needs must.   I’ve got rent to pay: which means going out to earn the damn stuff.

The sad (ish) bit of it … ?

Is simply that I’m working on Monday night.

Which means I’ll miss the upcoming episode of the new series of The X-Files.

Still … 

There’s always the catch-up service.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, And Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 3rd February is the feast day of Saint Margaret of England.   Saint Margaret was what kind of nun: Augustinian, Benedictine or Cistercian?
Q2) In Japan, 3rd February is Setsubun (節分.)   In other words, it’s the first day of  what?
Q3) 3rd February is the feast day of the obscure Saint Blaise.   He’s a patron saint of which Spanish speaking, South American, country?
Q4) Which UK medical workers went on strike: on 3rd February, 1988: GPs, nurses or orthodontists?
Q5) Finally … the Hawke’s Bay Earthquake took place: on 3rd February, 1931.   Bay, and ’quake, were in which country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The German 6th Army surrendered to Russian forces: on 2nd February, 1943.   At the end of the Siege of where?
Q2) 2nd February is UN World Wetlands Day.   It was first marked, when: 1996, 1997 or 1998?
A2) 1997.
Q3) The British Embassy in Dublin was burnt down, by protestors: on 2nd February, 1972.   The protestors were protesting against what?
Q4) 2nd February, 1426, saw the birth of Queen Eleanor of where?
A4) Navarre.
Q5) Finally … 2nd February, 2000, saw the first European demonstration of what: digital radio, digital TV or digital cinema?
Here’s a thought …
“The needs of a human being are sacred. Their satisfaction cannot be subordinated either to reasons of state, or to any consideration of money, nationality, race, or colour, or to the moral or other value attributed to the human being in question, or to any consideration whatsoever.”
Simone Weil, 3 February 1909 – 24 August 1943.
And, as it’s Pretty Boy Floyd’s birthday … ?

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Lord knows what happened, there, Olga!   I’m guessing bits needed to cool down.   And you’re right about supermarkets.   I can only buy so many TV sets in Sainsburys.   But lots of different ones … in the in-store branch of Argos … !   (I’m glad my TV IS working: it can record to a USB stick.)

†        Seasoned, Debbi?   Ohhh … That explains the creaking noises my knees are making, then … !   (Oh, bless, Mum’s told me what’s she’s planning to get for my birthday.   Three monitors looks … more plausible!)


  1. Q1) Cistercian
    Q2) Spring (well, it’s the day before spring…)
    Q3) Paraguay
    Q4) nurses
    Q5) New Zealand
    I think I'd prefer a new pair of eyes rather than a monitor, but I can't see that happening...

  2. I know what you mean about creaking noises. Not to mention the occasional groan! :)

    1. Cistercian
    2. spring
    3. Paraguay
    4. nurses
    5. New Zealand


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