
Wednesday 28 March 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th March, 2018

28th March, 2018.

Yes, it’s true: drinking through a straw, at the moment, seems to be a good thing.

I means I don’t dribble.

Well … 

Any more than I would do, normally.

Which seemed to work out well enough.

Until this morning … when I had too much of a mouthful of tea … 

That started dribbling out of my nose.

That’s … 

Well, frankly, it’s simultaneously amazingly dignified … and rather disconcerting.

Yeah … 


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mr Strict*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 28th March, 1854, saw France and Britain declare war on Russia: at the start of which war?
Q2) Radioactive steam leaked into the atmosphere, on 28th March, 1979: at a Pennsylvanian nuclear reactor.   Which Pennsylvanian nuclear reactor?
Q3) 28th March is the feast day of Stephen Harding: venerated as a Catholic Saint.   He was one of the founders of which monastic order?
Q4) 28th March, 1983, saw Ian McGregor named as head of Britain’s National … what?
Q5) Finally … Zoe Elizabeth Sugg was born on 28th March, 1990.   She’s famously known as Zoella, and a lifestyle vlogger on which site?   (She does makeup!   It’s EXCITING!!!)
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) A dam failed on 27th March, 2009: a dam that held up an artificial lake called Situ Gintung.   Dam, and lake, are where: Vietnam, Indonesia or Cambodia?
A1) Indonesia.
Q2) 27th March, 1998, saw the US Food and Drug Administration approve the use of Viagra: for Male impotence.   What was the drug originally designed for: high blood pressure, male impotence or bipolar disorder?
Q3) Charles 1 became King of England, Ireland and Scotland: on 27th March, 1625.   He also claimed the throne of where: France, Spain or Austria?
A3) France.
Q4) 27th March, 1994, saw the maiden flight of the European Fighter Aircraft: also known as the Eurofighter.  The Eurofighter is also known as which ‘T’?
A4) The Typhoon.
Q5) Finally … the fourth Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union — or Сове́т мини́стров СССР, in Russian — was named open 27th March, 1958.   Who was he?
Here’s a thought …
“A girl can never have too many lipstick options!”
Zoella, born 28th March, 1990.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Morning, Mr S!

†        Yeah, I think I might have to Olga: nasal dribbling’s not necessarily fun!   And take your time, I know how tricky these things are!   (It’s like impotence and importance, it’s AMAZING how these things catch you unawares …)

‡        Yeah, Britain’s hopefully changed, since then Debbi: but I’ve always had the impression there’s going to be a ‘but … ’ involved, somewhere … !


  1. Q1) Crimean War
    Q2) Three Mile Island Unit 2
    Q3) The Cistercian Order
    Q4) Coal Board
    Q5) You Tube
    I'm doing what I can, but you're right. Some things take their time. The human body can be very surprising at times. Take care.

  2. Ah, the but ... always a but ... (not butt! :))

    1. the Crimean War
    2. Three Mile Island
    3. the Cistercian Order
    4. Coal Board
    5. Zoella


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