
Monday 23 April 2018

American Horror Story — Series 5: Hotel — Episode 2 and 3: Chutes and Ladders and Mommy

22nd April, 2018.

Yes … 

I think that — at the moment … ? — I’m starting to be able to wink my left eye.

That’s remarkable … and welcome.

A couple of weeks ago, now, I had to go into hospital: directly from work, I should add.

With what seemed to be a suspected stroke.

But what actually turned out to be a case of what’s called Bell’s Palsy: a kind of facial paralysis that’s caused by an infection, somewhere along the line.

That fact I’m starting to be able to wink?   Or , at least, do a certain amount of faking it … ?

Means my face is starting to heal.


Which reminds … 

Did you read this morning’s Teaser?

I hope you enjoyed it, if you did.

I do know I happily confessed to praying: despite being agnostic, at best.


Frankly, it’s something I intend to do again, as strange as that sounds.

To be even MORE frank?   I’m having money worries, right now.

Serious money worries, of the sort usually only solved by winning a huge lottery prize — ha! —, inheriting lots of cash — HA! — or taking out an loan.

Yeah … sensible, with a credit rating like mine.

It would possibly help, if I could empty my retirement pot early.

Which I can’t, until I retire.

Hmmm …

The only viable option, right now?

Is to make a few phone calls in the morning.

Even though I’ve started the process of getting a loan, with a credit union, I need to help myself, by talking to people.


At any rate … ?

At any rate, there was little I could do, today: beyond prayer.

Apart from keeping myself occupied: by catching up with some more TV.

Yes … American Horror Story fifth series, Hotel, is starting to pick up.


Episode 2Chutes and Ladders — shows us the new owner of the Cortez — Will Drake, played by Cheyenne Jackson — organising a combined party/fashion show at his new property.

Whilst the Countess (Lady Gaga) turns Tristan (Finn Wittrock*) into a vampire: alienating Donovan (Matt Bomer) in the process.

In the process?   Tristan meets James March (Evan Peters) … only to find out the man’s been dead for quite seem time.


Episode 3Mommy — sees the Countess confide in Tristan.   She is intent on marrying Will Drake … and then making sure he dies prematurely: so she can gain control of his estate.

In the meantime?   In the meantime, Donovan is kidnapped by Ramona Royale (Angela Bassett.)

She was a lover of the Countess’s, during the 70s and 80s …

And is still a bit … 

Stung … !


Now … ?

Yes, before you ask, I’m intrigued by, and enjoying, what I’ve seen of Hotel.

Yes, I’m disappointed to not see Jessica Lange.

But, although Gaga is maybe not a stunning actress?   She’s doing a better job than I’d expect a pop singers could: and is working well with the rest of the show’s cast.

I’m also thinking that it’s nice to see AHS† regulars Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters playing Sally and John.

In earlier series of AHS, the two played sympathetic characters: so it’s nice to see them play slightly slimier ones.

And Kathy Bates as Iris?   Along side Angela Bassett as Ramona?

Going on what I’ve seen of their characters, thus far, are playing versions of AHS characters they played in Freak Show … but both they, and the writers, have figured out what they’re doing with the pair!


I intend to keep watching Hotel.

I’m enjoying this … !

*        Finn Wittrock played Dandy in Freak Show.

†        I hope you don’t mind the acronym: but there’s only so much copy and paste a body can do at this time of night!

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