
Thursday 26 April 2018

American Horror Story — Series 5: Hotel — Episode 4 and 5: Devil’s Night and Room Service

26th April, 2018.

“Now … read on … !”

He says: very aware that writing … ?

Is going to take me a while.

What with one thing an another … ?

I’ve signed up for a Tumblr account: and eyeballing the amount of stuff going past is rather distracting.

REALLY distracting.

No, don’t ask: it’s a mixed audience!

At any rate … ?

I’ve had a night off …

I’ve got some Tangerine Dream playing in the background.

And caught more of American Horror Story’s fifth season: Hotel.

Yes: it’s still looking good.


Episode 4Devil’s Night — tells us that James March (Evan Peters), the long dead builder of the Cortez, is still haunting the place.   And due to hold his annual Devil’s Night shindig for a select band of serial killers.

AND has invited Detective John Lowe (Wes Bentley) along for the ride.

Episode 5Room Service — sees Alex Lowe (Chloë Sevigny) treating a dying patient: by feeding him some of her own blood.

Both her and Iris (Kathy Bates)?   She and Iris are both having trouble.

As they’re starting to develop a bit of a thirst … 


Now, you’ll excuse me for doing a comparatively short write up … 

But … ?

I want you to know something.

I am thoroughly enjoying Hotel: as through as I’ve enjoyed earlier episodes in the show.

I think I’ve figured out part of the reason why.

We can — possibly — argue the show’s derivative: the method the vampire characters use to kill their victims?

Seems reminiscent of Tony Scott’s The Hunger, the hotel, itself — along side Evan Peter’s character — seemed familiar: especially if we’ve heard of H. H. Holmes, and his Castle.

But … ?

For all the buried geeky references?

It’s very watchable: those little buried references only adding to my enjoyment.

I still watching it!

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