
Thursday, 26 April 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26-4-2018: Guernica

26th April, 2018.

Have you been following the news?

Have you … ?

If you, like me, have been watching the recent news, you’ll know Alder Hey Hospital, in Liverpool, is caring for an extremely ill little boy called Alfie Evans.

Seriously ill.

To the point where the parents have taken the hospital to court: in order to try and save their son.

I can appreciate that: I’d be doing the same, in their shoes.

I think it’s getting to the point where — whatever the legal outcome — the poor kid’s not long for this world: whether he’s treated at Alder Hey, taking up the Vatican Hospital offer to treat him … or taken home.

It’s sad … tragic … 

Possibly any number of words … 

But, beyond expressing sympathy to Alfie’s parents, and thanking the hospital staff.

Not much one can do.

There is something to add, though.

I ALSO notice this piece from the BBC’s news site.

That tells us hospital staff — and other patients — are being targeted by protestors.


I think that’s unhelpful.   

I think going for staff and patients is abusing them: and abusing them, for no good purpose.

Terry Pratchett fan that I am, I’m ALSO aware of my favourite writer’s thoughts.
“I know it’s a very human thing to say ‘Is there anything I can do’, but in this case I would only entertain offers from very high-end experts in brain chemistry.”
Sir Terry Pratchett.
OK … 

The protestors want to help this child survive.

They don’t want him to die.

They want him to live.

All good.

But if they want to help Alfie Evans … ?

They should learn neurosurgery.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Guernica was bombed on 26th April.   Of which year?
Q2) During which war?
Q3) Town and bombing were in which part of Spain: the Basque, Navarre or La Rioja?
Q4) It was carried out by airforces from Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.   The (then) German airforce was called what?
Q5) The Fascist Italian’s corp that took part was called what?
Q6) The Raid was ordered by the Spanish Nationalists.   Who is generally recognised as the Nationalist leader?
Q7) The opposition to the Nationalist were known — in English — as what?
Q8) It’s generally accepted the day would have been a what: religious holiday, market day or memorial day?
Q9) The bombing is remembered as a terror bombing.   German forces claimed Guernica was bombed because it was a what: a communication centre, a depot or a naval base?
Q10) The bombing, and its victims, are commemorated in a famous painting: by whom?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 25th April saw the publication of Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid: the paper that described DNA.   It was published on 25th April of which year of the 1950s?
A1) 1953.
Q2) Which scientific journal published the piece?
A2) Nature.   (In volume 171, to be exact.)
Q3) Name either of the scientists who published it.
A3) Frances Crick or James D. Watson.
Q4) The pair did their studies at the Cavendish Lab.   Where is that lab: Oxford University, Cambridge University or Harvard University?
A4) Cambridge University.
Q5) The paper was about the structure of DNA.   That structure is a what: double helix, triple tetrahedron or quadruple cones?
A5) Double helix.
Q6) DNA is made up of four different nucleotides.   Name any one — one — of the four letters that symbolise the common nucleotides in human DNA.
A6) A, C, G or T.   (Standing for Adenine, Cytosine Guanine and Thymine).
Q7) DNA is fundamental to genetics. Genetics is a field of what: chemistry, physic or biology?
A7) Biology.
Q8) DNA makes up a molecule that forms the basis of genetics.   That molecule is which ‘C’?
A8) A chromosome.
Q9) Genetics was first written about by Gregor Mendel.   Who used which vegetables as the basis of his work: garden peas, runner beans or savoy cabbages?
A9) Garden Peas.
Q10) Finally … One application of the discovery of DNA’s structuring is DNA profiling.   ALSO called DNA … what?
A10) DNA fingerprinting.
Here’s some thoughts …
“Before God and before History which must judge us all, I affirm that for three and one-half hours, German planes bombarded with unheard-of fury the defenceless civilian population of the historic city of Gernika, reducing it to ashes, chasing with machine-gun fire women and children who perished in great number, fleeing the stampede of others driven mad by panic.”
José Antonio Aguirre.
“However, the second half of the twentieth century has seen most of those taboos broken. Guernica was the point of departure, and Hiroshima is the ultimate symbol. We must find ways to communicate to future generations the history of horror that began with Guernica …”
Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba, then Mayor of Hiroshima.
And a song …
Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        A school?   Kind of handy, there, Olga!   Although I’ve a weird mental image of book sellers as schoolyard drug dealers.   Complete with a wad of greasy fivers, and some Harry Potter novels in dubious plastic wrapping … (Actually, I’ll have to see if Jude’s read World of Poo, yet … )

†        I’ve got no idea, Debbi!   I think it’s basic laziness.   Or bloody stupidity!   Given the footage, a copy of iMovie and one hand … ?   You or I could do the basic edit!   (Done it myself with  Teaser videos.)


  1. Q1) 1937
    Q2) Spanish Civil War
    Q3) The Basque Country
    Q4) Luftwaffe
    Q5) Aviazione Legionaria
    Q6) Franco
    Q7) The Republicans (The Republican government)
    Q8) Market day
    Q9) A communication centre
    Q10) Pablo Picasso
    I'm waiting for the rest of my stuff to arrive this afternoon... Fingers crossed!

  2. This teaser's a workout for this one-handed blogger! :)

    1. 1937
    2. the Spanish Civil War
    3. the Basque
    4. the Luftwaffe
    5. Aviazione Legionaria (also known as the Legionary Air Force)
    6. Francisco Franco
    7. Republican
    8. market day
    9. a communication centre
    10. Picasso


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