
Sunday 1 April 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1/4/2018 — April Fool’s Day!

1st April, 2018.

Yes, we do … just a bit … 

Feel silly, that is … 

Well … 

Especially when you consider that’s it’s ALSO Easter Sunday … and, as ever, I’ve done nothing especially special — Teaser wise — for it.

Still … it could’ve bee worse.

I could’ve worn a silly hat!


On other fronts … ?

On other fronts, you’ll remember I mentioned — yesterday — that I’d updated to macOS 10·13·4.

Apparently, one of the things built into that update?

Was the ability to plug in an external graphics card.

Hmmm … 

I know that’s something that’s aimed at high games designers: but it’s ALSO something I’d not mind.

I can possibly find a use for that: being able to plug a seriously BIG extra monitor could come in handy … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st April is April fools Day.   It’s ALSO Edible what day?
Q2) It’s ALSO an environmental protest day: called Fossil WHAT day … ?
Q3) Believe it or not, one country celebrates National Civil Service Day on April 1st.   Which country?
Q4) 1st April, 2014, saw a well known streaming service, stream 20 minutes of frying bacon.   Which streaming service?
Q5) Finally … April Fool’s Day, 2014, saw Google announce it word be releasing a Chrome keyboard extension for who: cats, dogs or parrots?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 31st March, 1809, saw the birth of noted European writer, Nikolai Gogol.   He was born in what’s now where: Serbia, Ukraine or Poland?
A1) Ukraine.
Q2) 31st March, 1986, was the last day of operation of the Greater London Council.   Who was the Council’s last leader?
A2) The famously left wing Ken Livingston.
Q3) 31st March is the Feast day of Saint Balbina.   She’s usually portrayed holding what: chains, a dagger or a comb?
A3) Chains.
Q4) The Nuit débout movement — a European equivalent to the US Occupy movement — started on 31st March, 2016.   In which European country?
A4) France.
Q5) Finally … CND started a protest march: on 31st March, 1972.   Where to: Aldermaston, Burton-upon-Trent or Cromer?
A5) Aldermaston.
Here’s a thought …
“When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.”
Otto von Bismarck.
And a song …

Or two … 

And one that’s totally stupid … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You’re right, Olga‡: I’d imagine someone wondering about, starkers, would get looked at!

†        Oh, I think there’s a FEW in there, Debbi‡!

‡        Oh, I found something to watch: The Third Man.   You can see why it’s influential … !


  1. Q1) Edible Book Day (I’d never heard that one. Thanks!)
    Q2) Fossil Fools Day
    Q3) Thailand
    Q4) Netflix (I wonder if they were sponsored by pig farmers and butchers….)
    Q5) Cats
    I watched a Korean revenge movie yesterday. I Saw the Devil. Wow! I love the Third Man. Great script, it looks a million, excellent acting and the fabulous music. It all comes together beautifully.

  2. Well, happy Easter, April Fools Day, and all the rest! :)

    1. Book
    2. Fools
    3. India
    4. Netflix (people will watch anything, won't they? :))
    5. cats


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