
Monday 2 April 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2nd April, 2018

2nd April, 2018.

Yes, I’m officially back at work, today: although whether that’s wise?   Is something else.


I’ll be functional enough to get by.

Either way?

I’ve had a couple of days off, and feel … rather rested.

Mind you … I get manage to get an early night, last night: so that’s all good.


Just as a quick extra thought: that I wanted to get on the record?

I’ve a set top box hooked up to my: that lets me access HD channels, and record them to a USB stick.

Using my older machine — plus Mpeg Streamclip, to edit the pieces together — I could edit the bits together, and get a watchable file I could play on my AppleTV.

The box recorded a programme in chunks, I should add: the reason I needed to edit things together. 

The results?   Were OK: but you could see the joins.

Last night?   As I still had Twice Upon a Time on the USB stick plugs into the box?

I gave thought trying out the basic video editing capacities on the new iMac a go.

The files, themselves?   Were Transport streams: easily converted into mp4s with Handbrake.

Then … ?   Edited together with iMovie 10·1·8.

And came out as an eight gigabyte sized, but flawless looking, mp4.



Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 2nd April saw a spree shooting take place: in Fort Hood, Texas.   In which year?
Q2) 2nd April, 2012 saw a mass shooting take place: in Oikos University.   In which US state was this?
Q3) Red Rum bagged his third Grand National win: on 2nd April, 1977.   The race is traditionally run at which course?
Q4) The US government passed the Coinage Act on 2nd April, 1792: establishing the US Mint, in the process.   Does it print the USA’s paper money?
Q5) Finally … 2nd April, 1725, saw the birth of explorer, adventurer and writer, Giacomo Casanova.   He was born in what’s now which country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 1st April is April fools Day.   It’s ALSO Edible what day?
Q2) It’s ALSO an environmental protest day: called Fossil WHAT day … ?
A2) Fossil Fools Day.
Q3) Believe it or not, one country celebrates National Civil Service Day on April 1st.   Which country?
A3) Thailand.
Q4) 1st April, 2014, saw a well known streaming service, stream 20 minutes of frying bacon.   Which streaming service?
A4) Netflix.
Q5) Finally … April Fool’s Day, 2014, saw Google announce it word be releasing a Chrome keyboard extension for who: cats, dogs or parrots?
A5) Cats.
Here’s a thought …
“Great God, and you witnesses of my death, I have lived as a philosopher, and I die as a Christian.” 
The last words of Giacomo Casanova, 2 April 1725 – 4 June 1798.
And a tune …

And, given today’s first two questions?

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’ll have to keep an eye open for that one, too, Olga‡: although I know I’ve got The Wailing sitting around: although it does seem a touch on the long side.   On a par with the original Solaris.   As for The Third Man’s music … ?   It’s going to be earworming its way through my head, as we speak … 

†        Yep: and (belated) Happy Civil Service Day, too, Debbi‡!   Amazes me what people manage to mark!   Saying that?   I’m just grateful for Left Handers Day!   Oh, today is International Children’s Book Day, and Autism Awareness Day.   Something to note for next year, maybe … 

‡        Now, about Edible Book Day …


  1. Q1) 2014
    Q2) California
    Q3) Aintree Racecourse (Liverpool)
    Q4) No. Coins. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing produces paper money
    Q5) Italy
    I hope you have a reasonable day. Here it has been snowing (now raining). I hope it all disappears soon, as I have the removals people and the clearance people coming on Tuesday and Wednesday.
    Take care.

  2. Edible Book Day is a new one for me! I do tend to devour books, but not literally! Is that a pun! :)

    !. 2014
    2. California
    3. Aintree Racecourse
    4. No (the Bureau of Engraving and Printing does that--I've been there and seen it)
    5. Italy


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