
Tuesday 24 April 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th April, 2018

24th April, 2018.

Yep … 

The whole prayer situation is … evolving.

Basically?   I thought, yesterday, that I’d managed to sort my money situation out.

But …

Well, let’s put it this way … I need to do more negotiation in order to get things right.

It’s … 

Well, I think I’m going to have to storm heaven, again.


As a thought, whilst I’ve got your attention?

I’m a science fiction fan.   And, inevitably, aware you get entirely theoretical scenes where someone has to get clever, opening a door.

Oh, you know the sort of thing: the ones that have what we NOW call fingerprint — or palm print — recognition from specific people, in order to get a door open.

Equally, there’s several solutions if your palm isn’t one of the recognised prints.

Sellotape, twisting your own hand when it’s on the glass, threatening to tear someone’s hand off … 

If you’re of a certain age, you’ve come across SOMETHING like it … 

Then you read this piece on the BBC’s news website.

That tells us that Florida police have tried using a dead suspect’s frozen — in the morgue — body: to try and unlock his iPhone.

When life imitates art?   You worry.

When life starts imitating science fiction?

I THINK you can panic!


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Das Ich und das Es was published: on 24th April, 1923.   The paper was a prominent one by which Austrian doctor?
Q2) Ten years later, 24th April, 1933, saw Germany’s Nazi regime close the offices of the Watchtower Society.   The marked the start of the Nazi persecution of whom: Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses or Freemasons?
Q3) A siege of the West German embassy in Stockholm ended, badly: on 24th April, 1975.   The siege had been by a group of which terrorists: the Irish Republican Army, the Baader Meinhof Gang/Ref Army Faction or the Mau Mau?
Q4) The Hubble Space Telescope was launched on 24th April, 1990.   It’s named for Edwin Hubble, a noted what: astrologer, astronomer or cheese-wright?
Q5) Finally … 24th April, 1954, saw British authorities arrest several thousand men: in a crack down on the Mau Mau.   In which African nation?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 23rd April is Saint George’s Day.   He’s the patron saint of England, and of Catalonia, in Spain.   He’s ALSO patron of which other Spanish area: Aragon, Navarre orAndalusia?
A1) Aragon.

Q2) Many in the Eastern Orthodox tradition mark Saint George’s Day on 23rd April — according to the Julian calendar — and on 26th November: again, according to the Julian calendar.   What are either one of the equivalent dates in the Gregorian calendar?
A2) 6th May or 9th December.   (There’s a difference of some thirteen days: if my adding up is right.)

Q3) According to an old Bulgarian tradition, Saint George is the patron saint of whom: shepherds, cowherds or horse wranglers?
A3) Shepherds.

Q4) There is a Church of Saint George in the African city of Lalibela.   Church, and city, are in which African country?
A4) Ethiopia.   (Lalibela’s churches are carved out of the rock: the ground itself.   I’d love to see them!)

Q5) FINALLY … ?   Saint George is the patron saint of Malta: and one other island in the Maltese archipelago.   WHICH island?
A5) Gozo.
Here’s a thought …
“I suppose that if your name is Freud, it is better to be related to Sigmund than not. It must be frustrating to have to keep denying family connection.”
Clement Freud, 24 April 1924 – 15 April 2009.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Play fair, Trevor, I do try: but have to work around work … um … At ANY rate … ?   I know the Julian/Gregorian question seemed fiddly … but trying to write the ones that that translate the differences between the two, is always fiddly.

†        Tell about it, Debbi!   (You know it’s the Old Peculiar’s 10th birthday, this year … ?)

Q1)  Das Ich und das Es was published: on 24th April, 1923.   The paper was a prominent one by which Austrian doctor?
A1)  Dr Sigmund Freud.

Q2)  Ten years later, 24th April, 1933, saw Germany’s Nazi regime close the offices of the Watchtower Society.   The marked the start of the Nazi persecution of whom: Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses or Freemasons?
A2)  Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Q3)  A siege of the West German embassy in Stockholm ended, badly: on 24th April, 1975.   The siege had been by a group of which terrorists: the Irish Republican Army, the Baader Meinhof Gang/Ref Army Faction or the Mau Mau?
A3)  Baader Meinhof Gang/Ref Army Faction.

Q4)  The Hubble Space Telescope was launched on 24th April, 1990.   It’s named for Edwin Hubble, a noted what: astrologer, astronomer or cheese-wright?
A4)  Astronomer.

Q5)  Finally … 24th April, 1954, saw British authorities arrest several thousand men: in a crack down on the Mau Mau.   In which African nation?
A5)  Kenya.


  1. Different posting the questions and then being in advance of your self and posting them and their answers as the answers to yesterdays quiz.

  2. You've posted the answers to today's questions, Paul!
    Sorry about yesterday. I was at a book event as it was World Book Day and it's celebrated in Barcelona quite widely. Not many sales, though, but met with a few fellow writers and caught up on some gossip.

  3. I did … ?

    I DID, Bugger … !

    I’ve left them in for Debbi sakes!

    Normal — ARRGH — service resumes tomorrow!

  4. Well, I'm happy to see that I would have gotten them all correct! :)

    And why put in the answers for me? Huh? Huh? :)

  5. Incidentally, I'm sure Douglas Adams would tell you, "Don't panic!" :) As a sci-fi fan, you should appreciate that.


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