
Monday 9 April 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9th April, 2018

9th April, 2018.

Yep: I’ve officially got some thing of a big day ahead of me.

And, wouldn’t you know it?

My innards are playing up!

They should — hopefully — be able to persuade them to calm down: in order to get on with my day.

Right now?

Right now, I’ve an appointment, today: at Basildon Hospital.

For a CT scan, to make sure of my arterial function.   The veins and arteries going into and out of my heart.

I’m … 

Nervous: I’ve never actually had this sort of scan, although I’ve seen something of what happens on TV.

Here’s hoping it goes well.   I may just take a book.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.   The day ALSO saw Olga† — in the midst of organising her new house — looking in to say hello.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) April 9th is a Danish film: set during which war?
Q2) 9th April, 1969, saw six businessmen in Wolverhampton win their legal battle: to wear what, at work?
Q3) 9th April, 2017, saw attacks take place in two Egyptian churches.   On what was then which day of Easter?
Q4) NASA announced it’s first seven astronauts: on 9th April, 1959.   Name any on of those seven astronauts.
Q5) Finally … which plane saw its maiden flight: on 9th April, 1967?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 8th April, 2009, was the last time that the Birkat Hachama ritual was performed.   It’s performed every 28 years: by members of which religion?
A1) Judaism.
Q2) New York’s Longacre Square was renamed: on 8th April, 1904.   The Manhattan Square is now called what?
Q3) The Bahrain World Trade Center best known feature was activated on 8th April, 2008.   What is that feature: a water slide, three wind turbines or a clock?
A3) Three Wind turbines.
Q4) 8th April, 1970, saw the birth of writer, Care Santos: Macarena Santos i Torres.   She writes in both Spanish: and which other language?
A4) Catalan.
Q5) Finally … Veteran BBC Journalist, Martin Bell, announced he would would be standing as MP for Tatton: on 8th April, 1997.   Bell’s also known as the Man in the white … what?
A5) White Suit.
Here’s a thought …
“That rockabilly sound wasn’t as simple as I thought it was.”
Carl Perkins, April 9, 1932 – January 19, 1998.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I’ve not seen Jessica Jones or True Detective, Debbi.   Nut now you mention Stranger ThingsHere’s what I thought.   (I swear they based Millie Bobby Brown’s look, in season two, on a very young Dave Vanian of the Damned.)

†        Blimey!   Sounds like you’ll be changing a password at some point, Olga … !   (I really should do that more often, myself … )


  1. Q1) World War 2
    Q2) Turbans
    Q3) Palm Sunday
    Q4) John Glen, Wally Schirra…
    Q5) Boeing 737
    Thanks, Paul. I hope to get a local phone in the next day or two (just waiting to make sure the main things are sorted) and then I'll have to change and move things about (quite a few of the book accounts, change Amazon... Oh, joy!)

  2. Wow! Quite a resemblance.

    1. World War II
    2. turbans
    3. Palm Sunday
    4. Gus Grissom
    5. Boeing 737


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