
Thursday 10 May 2018

American Horror Story — Series 5: Hotel — Episode 9: ‘She Wants Revenge’

10th May, 2018.

Now I come to look at that video intro … ?

That’s a bit … you know … 

Posh … !

But does have a point too it.

It’s a Thursday, and something that’s a rarity for me: a day off.

Money being what it is, I’m working at full pelt, just to stay afloat.

So time to myself is welcome.

Right now?

I’m planning to use that time to get some sleep … 

After having seen another episode of American Horror Story’s fifth series, Hotel.



Episode 9She Wants Revenge — sees Will Drake (Cheyenne Jackson) insisting on a grand affair for his wedding to the Countess (Lady Gaga).   But bowing to his bride to be’s insistence on some more intimate.

Sees Donovan (Matt Borner) pleased about Iris’s (Kathy Bate’s) new life style … but still very much in touch with Ramona Royale (Angela Bassett.)

Ramona?   Ramona, of course, is still wanting revenge on the Countess … 

But has deeply buried other motives … 


Now … 

Am I taking this series of American Horror Story, slowly?

Actually, yes.

I think the few nights I get to myself are having a knock on effect, there: I have less time to do what I need to do … 

So the stuff I want to do takes a back seat.


American Horror Story is still keeping me watching.

And tonight’s episode?

And scenes of genuine warmth in amongst the gore: Angela Bassett’s character recounting her father’s story?

Is something that will stay with me for a while.

AND has me thinking Ms Bassett is criminally wasted in this series!

Oy vey!

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