
Sunday 20 May 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th May, 2018: Nicaea.

20th May, 2018

Quite literally it’s going to be one of this days.

For one thing … ?

For some reason, I couldn’t upload a photo, today.

At least, not at first.

Quite what’s going on there?

I really couldn’t tell you … !


Now … did anyone else catch the Royal Wedding, yesterday?

We (sneakily) had it on at work: in the background.


Frankly?   I know there’s been cynical comments about the couple.

But equally as frankly?   If Harry and Meghan weren’t a couple obviously devoted to each other?

I’m a duck!


I’m ALSO aware that I managed to miss what sounds like it was the highlight of the day: the sermon given by Bishop Michael Curry.

It sounds like it was quite the thing.

And, one day … ?

I’ll sit down and watch the whole thing!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s† Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 20th May, 325AD was the date of the First Council of Nicaea.   The Council was in a city that’s now in which country?
Q2) The council also settled the date of what: Christmas, Lent or Easter?
Q3) The Canon laws proclaimed by the Council, forbad what: self castration, drinking wine or tattoos?
Q4) Those canon laws confirmed three bishops would remain in charge of their (large) regions.   The bishops were those of Rome, Antioch … and where else?
Q5) Finally … Which Roman Emperor was influential in calling for the Council?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 19th May is the feast day of Saint Dunstan.   He’s the patron saint of whom: musicians, scientists or cheesemakers?
A1) Musicians.
Q2) 19th May is also the feast day of Saint Pudentiana.   She’s the patron saint of which Italian city?
A2) Rome.
Q3) Giscard d’Estaing was elected French President on 19th May, 1974.   Whop’s the current French President?
A3) Emmanuel Macron.
Q4) Mount Saint Helens erupted: on 19th May, 1980.    The volcano’s in which US State?
A4) Washington.
Q5) 19th May, 1953, saw the birth of Victoria Wood.   Her last TV work was in an animated version of which Raymond Biggs story?
A5) Fungus, the Bogeyman
.Here’s a thought …
“The Council of Nicaea strove to answer one of the central questions of the Christian Faith, but it also proved that theology is never a tidy business.”
John Anthony McGuckin.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Isn’t it just, Debbi?   Actually, did you catch the Wedding at all?   Bishop Michael Curry’s going to be one of the viral videos!   (It’s quite something to watch.)

†      Oh, Olga, I’ll try not to rush things, today: you SHOULD be able to get through from the usual links!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't, but the bishop's sermon sounds pretty cool.

    1. Turkey
    2. Easter
    3. self-castration
    4. Alexandria
    5. Constantine the Great


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