
Saturday 16 June 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-6-2018: Our Ford and Master.

16th June, 2018.

Yep … I’ve got the weekend off!

Tonight … ?   Actually seems me off at a posh (ish!) family meal: celebrating my sister, Anna‘s birthday.

At Brentwood’s only Thai restaurant.

Which looks good.

Although I HAVE to admit … I couldn’t tell you how to pronounce the names!


While we’re here … ?

Or, at least, you’re there, and I’m here?

You’re aware that I’ve been concerned about the possibilities of fire in my area: and others.

And seen the various fires reported by the BBC over the past few days.

The one today … ?

Is in Glasgow.

At the School of Art.

For the second time in four years: it, and the Mackintosh Building were being restored after that that last fire, and were due to re-opened next year.

It’s hard to see.

What’s harder … ?

Is the simple question.

“How did this happen … again?”


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 16th June saw the incorporation of the Ford Motor Company.   16th June in which year?
Q2) Famously?   It was founded by whom?
Q3) The company’s HQ is in Dearborn, Michigan.   Dearborn’s usually considered part of which city?
Q4) The founder’s original car company was founded in 1901.   And NOW called what?
Q5) The company’s founder revolutionise the industry by introducing what into his factories: a minimum wage, assembly lines or computer control?
Q6) It ALSO did research into a super-sensitise magnetometer: called a superconducting quantum interference device.   That device is usually called what?
Q7) Ford’s first mass produced model debuted in 1908.   What model was it?
Q8) Ford’s founder, and mass production, feature in which Aldous Huxley novel?
Q9) The UK’s best selling car of the 1970s was the Ford … what?
Q10) The US Ford Mustang was turned into what ‘C’, for the European market?
Q11) Geoffrey McGivern, David Dixon and Mos Def have all played a science fiction character named after a Ford car.   Which Ford car?
Q12) Ford supplied racing car engines to the Formula One racing teams: under what brand name?
Q13) From 1989 to 2007, Ford was a majority owner of which luxury car company: Aston Martin, Jaguar or Rolls Royce?
Q14) Ford of Britain has it’s main office in which Essex town?
Q15) Finally … Ford is the second largest car maker in the US.   What’s the largest: Fiat Chrysler, General Motors or Mercury?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 15th May, 1996, saw a bomb injure some two hundred people injured in an explosion in central Manchester.   Who took credit for the bomb: ISIS, ETA or the Provisional IRA?
A1) The Provisional IRA.
Q2) The world’s first hovercraft show opened: on 15th June, 1966.   The companies at the show benefit from £1 million pound’s worth of orders.   From whom: the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Transport or the Board of Trade and Industry?
A2) The Ministry of Defence.
Q3) 15th June, 1330, saw the birth of Edward of Woodstock: eldest son of Edward 3rd.   Edward was known as the what Prince?
A3) The Black Prince.
Q4) 15th June, 1949, saw the birth of actor, writer, musician, and director, Simon Callow.   He’s appeared as a well known writer in Dr Who.   Which writer?
Q5) Jean-Philippe Léo Smet was born on 15th June, 1943.   He was better known as which French pop star?
Here’s a thought …
“Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black.”
The Ford company founder, speaking about customer choice.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Hang on, Callow did the stage version of Amadeus?  I’m impressed, Olga‡: that would’ve been something to see.   Especially if, like me, you only know him from Dr Who and Four Weddings and a Funeral!   I know he’s got a rep as a Dickens scholar.   (As for parking … ?   Well … what CAN I tell you … ?   Now you mention it, and I couldn’t tell you for sure, I think one of the local carparks has had to repaint its floors: to take account of exactly that.   Mind you, a lot of cars in Brentwood are those dinky little Smart cars … or bloody great SUVs!)

†        I’m with you, there, Debbi‡: it was … well, there’s possible a LOT of terms!   (Oh, I mentioned SUVs to Olga: you know, the sort of thing the team drive in Torchwood?   I keep hearing them called ‘Chelsea tractors.’   They’re supposed to be used by farmers getting around the farm … but get used by posh moms in Chelsea, driving the kids to school!)

‡        Sorry about the length, today: I sort of got carried away … 


  1. Q1) 1903
    Q2) Henry Ford
    Q3) Detroit
    Q4) The Cadillac Motor Company
    Q5) Assembly lines (although it seems he wasn’t really the first to use them)
    Q6) SQUID
    Q7) The Model T
    Q8) Brave New World
    Q9) Escort
    Q10) The Ford Capri (not sure about this one…)
    Q11) Ford Prefect
    Q12) Cosworth
    Q13) Aston Martin
    Q14) Brentwood (Ahhhhh! Now I see!)
    Q15) General Motors
    Yes, I was reading his biography (Simon Callow) and discovered quite a few things. He has a fabulous voice too, so I wonder if he does audiobooks...
    I know what you mean about SUVs. Most people seem to buy these books just for size and appearance's sake rather than because it suits their needs. Oh, well...

  2. You did, indeed! 15 questions. Ack! Me fingers! :)

    1. 1903
    2. Henry Ford
    3. Detroit
    4. Henry Ford Company, which became Cadillac Motor Car Division
    5. assembly lines
    6. SQUID
    7. Model TT
    8. Brave New World
    9. Cortina
    10. Capri
    11. Prefect (??)
    12. Cosworth
    13. Aston Martin
    14. Brentwood (I've heard of that place!)
    15. General Motora


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