
Wednesday 27 June 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 27th June, 2018

27th June 2018

I have to confess, I’m pleasantly surprised.

I had a sneaky look at my YouTube account, last night.

On my phone.

Which told me I had five hundred and ninety subscribers.

So I double checked, when I got home.


Definitely five hundred and ninety.

Mostly, I suspect, eyeballing the film clips I’ve managed to post.

But still … 

It’s nice to see there’s a few of them, there … !

Thanking you, whoever you are!


I know I’m trying to move on quickly, at the point.

But … ?

I’m also aware of one piece of news.

Saddleworth Moor, up in the Peak District is one of the UK’s most beautiful parts of the world.

But it’s doing something I can’t remember seeing happen in the UK, in my lifetime.

We have a wild fire on the moor.

I’m … 

Well, obviously concerned for people, there: and hoping everyone’s safe.

But … ?

That’s a wild fire.

In the UK.

That’s the first I can remember seeing in the UK … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring four out of five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 27th June, 1358, saw the founding of the Republic of Ragusa: the Republic’s in which modern country?
Q2) Canada’s parliament passed a law: on 27th June, 1946.   The act defined what: who a Canadian citizen was, what Canada’s official languages were, or what Canada’s currency was?
Q3) The UK’s General Medical Research Council released a report on 27th June, 1957.   A Report that smoking to which disease?
Q4) Who resigned as the UK’s PM: on 27th June, 2007?
Q5) Finally … NASA launched the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, on 27th June, 2013: in order to observe the sun.   The Spectrograph is ALSO know as which flower?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 26th June is the UN sponsored International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.   What, according to a 2011 Business Pundit report, was the world’s most popular illegal drug?
A1) Cannabis.
Q2) 26th June saw the Queen, and President Eisenhower, open the Saint Lawrence Seaway.   The Seaway connected the Great Lakes to which ocean?
A2) The Atlantic.
Q3) Ariana Grande was born: on 26th June, 1993.   What — in April 2018 — was her most recently released single?
Q4) 26th June, 2000, saw weapons inspectors inspectors weapons: weapons owned by whom?
A4) The IRA.
Q5) Finally … ?   26th June, 1886, saw Henri Moissan isolate what: fluorine, chlorine or bromine?
A5) Fluorine.
Here’s a thought …
“All I know is that life for me is gambling and I am a loser. I have what people call a poker face.”
Isabelle Adjani†, born 27 June 1955.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I honestly couldn’t tell you, Debbi.  I remember playing rounders, when I was young: and being struck by the similarities when I found out about baseball.   You should have a look at the Wikipedia entry on the game … … … 

†        I can remember seeing Isabelle Adjani in Possession, a few years ago.   It’s a bit … intense … (I might JUST have to sit down with the film a second time.   We’ll see.)


  1. Q1) Croatia
    Q2) Who a Canadian Citizen was
    Q3) Lung cancer
    Q4) Tony Blair
    Q5) IRIS
    Terribly sad and scary, the fire. I had driven through there at times when I lived in the outskirts of Manchester a few years back. Breathtaking. I hope to be back in Barcelona this evening and although I have several days of running around sorting out paperwork, I hope to visit more regularly. Have a great day.

  2. Trevor often refers to baseball as rounders, I've noticed. :)

    1. Croatia
    2. who a Canadian citizen was
    3. lung cancer
    4. Tony Blair
    5. IRIS


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