
Thursday 28 June 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th June, 2018

28th June, 2018.

Hmmm … 

Money, money, money … 

Right at the moment … ?

I’m on Universal Credit, as you may or may not know.

Not much: but usually enough to help with the rent.

Even then, I’m begging, borrowing and stealing from anyone that’ll let me have money.

It’s a variable amount: the more I earn, the less I get in benefit.

Of course, if it’s a long month, where there’s — effectively — five paydays?

As there’s been for me, this month … ?

That counts as ‘the more I earn.’

Right at the moment … ?

I’m looking at a very tight month … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The World’s first dog show was held, on 28th June, 1859.   In which English city?
Q2) Those first shows usually showed two types of dog: name either one of the two.
Q3) The people judging a dog show are usually called a dog show … what?
Q4) Dog shows in the UK are usually organised by which group?
Q5) Finally … ?   What is the UK’s largest dog show?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 27th June, 1358, saw the founding of the Republic of Ragusa: the Republic’s in which modern country?
A1) Croatia.
Q2) Canada’s parliament passed a law: on 27th June, 1946.   The act defined what: who a Canadian citizen was, what Canada’s official languages were, or what Canada’s currency was?
A2) Who was a Canadian citizen.
Q3) The UK’s General Medical Research Council released a report on 27th June, 1957.   A Report that smoking to which disease?
A3) Lung cancer.
Q4) Who resigned as the UK’s PM: on 27th June, 2007?
Q5) Finally … NASA launched the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph, on 27th June, 2013: in order to observe the sun.   The Spectrograph is ALSO know as which flower?
Here’s a thought …
“These are the stories the Dogs tell, when the fires burn high and the wind is from the north.”
From City, by Clifford D. Simak.
And a song or three … …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        ‘Scary’ is possibly putting it mildly, Olga.   It’s … well … I’d love to visit those moors, they’re one of Britain’s most beautiful areas.   But right now?  Well … Have fun with the paperwork!   

†        Yes: he’s guilty as charged, Debbi!   (We MIGHT have to ask him for a demonstration …)


  1. Q1) Newcastle upon Tyne
    Q2) Pointers and setters
    Q3) Dog show judges or dog judges
    Q4) United Kennel Club
    Q5) Crufts
    I can imagine. I'll let you know how it all goes tomorrow when I sign the papers. Then the real fun will start! Oh, one of the secretaries of where I used to work was a dog show judge. King Charles (and she also bred them and had a few champions over the years). She used to travel all over with it. Not sure if she still does.
    Money... Bad, but great song. I also like

  2. Now, that could be interesting. Be sure to make a video! :)

    1. Newcastle-on-Tyne
    2. pointers and setters
    3. judge
    4. The Kennel Club
    5. Crufts


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