
Wednesday 11 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-7-2018

11th July, 2018.

I am officially going to be stuck indoors, today.

At least, until three thirty, when I go to work.

Waiting … for an electrician to turn up, to fix my birth room light.

Birth room?


On the down side?

I won’t get out of the house until this afternoon.

On the upside?

At least I can fill in a few forms.

After yesterday’s doctor’s appointment?   I’ve a few that need doing.


As you might have guessed?

The England football squad will be facing Croatia, tonight: at seven pm BST.

As a non fan?

Good luck to the team.

But frankly?

I could happily ignore the game at work.

The jingoistic triumphalism that assumes that — as I’m alive and breathing — I’m going to wet my pants when Kane, Alli, Maguire et al, walk onto the pitch.

Is something I can’t ignore, as it’s thrust into my face, every time a game’s on.

Must to my protest.

If you’re watching the game?

Please do not inflict your assumptions — or the singing — onto me or other fans.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 11th July is World Population Day.   According to Wikipedia, the World’s population — in May of this year — stood at how many people: 6.6 billion people, 7.6 billion people or 8.6 billion people?
Q2) What’s the world’s most populated continent?
Q3) What’s the world’s least populated continent?
Q4) 11th July, 1987, is estimated to be when the Earth’s population hit what: three billion, four billion or five billion?
Q5) Finally … ?   The world’s population — according to the UN’s Population division — hit seven billion in which year?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 10th July is a 2014, Bollywood movie about forbidden love: made in India.   What language is it in?
A1) Bengali.
Q2) Clement Attlee — the then Prime Minister — recommended a noted politician as the first Governor General of Pakistan.   Who was that politician?
A2) Muhammad Ali Jinnah.   (Jinnah was played — in a 1998 biopic — by Christopher Lee.   You couldn’t do it, these days, but there’s not THAT many actors who could get away with it!)
Q3) The International Cricket Council re-admitted an international side: on 10th July, 1991.   Which international side?
Q4) Gangster, Jack Diamond, was born on 10th July, 1897.   What was his nickname?
A4) Legs.   (He was ALSO known as the underworld’s Clay Pigeon: surviving a lot of attempted hits.)
Q5) Journalist, singer and songwriter, Neil Tennant was born on 10th July, 1954.   Which band did he front?
A5) The Pet Shop Boys.
Here’s a thought …
“I would suggest that the next edition of your poem should read: ‘Every moment dies a man, every moment 1 1/16 is born.’”
Charles Babbage, responding to Tennyson’s Vision of Sin.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*      Oh, boy, CRICKET!   Dear me, Olga you do pick a good one, don’t you … ?   As far as I can tell, the score is the amount of runs, compared to the amount of wickets lost.   The team with the most runs, wins.   If it’s a draw on runs, wickets would decide it.   If both teams score 300 runs, but England lose 3 wickets to Catalonia’s 2 — 300-3 compared to 300-2 — Catalonia’s won.   If England’s on 301-3, and Catalonia’s on 300-2 … England’s won.   I think … I THINK Trevor’s your man, here, Olga!   You’re right about the day out, though: I work in Chelmsford, where the Essex team play, and the audiences going home seem far more civilised.

†        Oh, tennis is straightforward, Debbi: love or otherwise!   Oh, remind me to ask you about how baseball’s scored: it’s got to be easier than cricket!


  1. Q1) 7.6 billion people
    Q2) Asia
    Q3) Antarctica (not sure there’s permanent population there by their own account. After that, Oceania)
    Q4) Five billion
    Q5) 2011 (October 31st…)
    Thanks for the clarification. Yes, I agree about the cricket public and also about your comments over the football. Here, staff members from bars and restaurants in holiday resorts were concerned about the British fans and how they are likely to react to both, victory and loss (mayhem and drunken destruction are quite common, unfortunately). I don’t care too much for football either but my father was a fan and I’ve watched far more than I would have liked (when I was a child, there was only a TV in the house, and if my father wanted to watch something, that was what we had to watch.)
    I hope things the electrician turns up soon and I hope the paperwork is not too bad (are you OK? More tests?)

  2. Wow! Well, in baseball, you win or lose based on runs. The whole thing in cricket with wickets is ... interesting and a bit confusing. :)

    I promise not to sing any football songs. But good luck to England! :)

    1. 7.6 billion
    2. Asia
    3. Antarctica
    4. five billion
    5. 2011

    I know it was exciting when the Caps finally won the Stanley Cup! No patriotism about it. Just kind of cool!


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