
Friday 13 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-7-2018: Friday the 13th

13th July, 2018.


Olga, Debbi, I’m sorry!

I deleted your answers for yesterday!

I am quite literally kicking myself!

All I can do here, is buy you both a (metaphorical, unfortunately) box of chocolates.

And give you both five out of five.

Is that OK … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five after getting accidentally deleted.

Let’s see how everyone — including your humble host! — does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 13th July, 2018, is that unluckiest of things: Friday the 13th.   When was the last Friday 13th?
Q2) The 13th of the month being an unlucky day is said to have its origins in a month’s ides.   The Ides had their origins in which ancient calendar: the Greek, Roman or Egyptian?
Q3) Friday 13th was very unlucky for which knightly order: the Knights who say Ne, the Knights Hospitaller or the Knights Templar?
Q4) National Accident Day usually occurs on Friday 13th.   It’s a day promoting car safety … in which European country?
Q5) 2015 saw attacks occur on Friday 13th, November.   In which city?
Q6) Jessie Matthews and Connie Hale appeared in a film called Friday 13th.   The film was released in which year of the 1930s?
Q7) Friday 13th, July, 1951, saw the death of which composer?
Q8) Allegedly, that composer had a fear of the number 13.   What’s that fear called?
Q9) Another reason the 13th is considered unlucky?   Is that there were thirteen people at which biblical meal?
Q10) Finally … ?   The Friday 13th EP was released in 1981: by which British band?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 12th July, 1997, saw the birth of which education activist?
Q2) Henry 8th married his sixth wife: on 12th July, 1543.   Who WAS his sixth wife?
Q3) Which former US Treasury Secretary died on 12th July, 1804?
A3) The only one you can rap about: Alexander Hamilton.
Q4) Which Roman politician was born on 12th July, 100 BC?
Q5) Josiah Wedgewood was born: on 12th July, 1730.   He found fame, making and selling, what?
A5) Pottery.
Here’s a thought …
“It’s Friday the 13th. my favourite holiday. Keep it weird.”
Frances Bean Cobain.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Olga‡, what can  I say, apart from ‘I’m sorry’ … ?   Oh, and offer you a (metaphorical) box of chocolates?   (Oh, the engineer didn’t turn up!)

†        Debbi‡, what can  I say, apart from ‘I’m sorry’ … ?   Oh, and offer you a (metaphorical) punnet of chocolate covered strawberries?   What can I tell you … about from point at the date … ?   (Now wickets … did we mention Life, the Universe and Everything?)

‡        It didn’t happen the LAST time … !


  1. Q1) Friday 13th April 2018
    Q2) Roman
    Q3) The Knights Templar
    Q4) Finland
    Q5) Paris
    Q6) 1933
    Q7) Arnold Schoenberg
    Q8) Triskaidekaphobia
    Q9) The last supper
    Q10) The Damned
    As you know, my replies have also been eaten in the past, so I know quite well how easy it is... Have a great Friday the 13th...

  2. I have to say that "bugger" really sums up my day, too! And normally, I have no problem with Friday the 13th. *sigh*

    Don't worry, Paul. Technology can screw us all up! :)

    1. 13 April 2018 (note the format! :))
    2. Roman
    3. the Knights Templar
    4. Finland
    5. Paris
    6. 1980 (I think you meant the 80s, right?)
    7. Arnold Schoenberg
    8. triskaidekaphobia
    9. the Last Supper
    10. the Damned


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