
Saturday 14 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-8-2018: Bastille Day.

14th July, 2018.

Yep: it’s a Saturday, and frankly?

It’s another early Saturday!



You watch the news, don’t you … ?

I’ve just seen one piece go past.

That Sinn Fein’s former leader, Gerry Adams, has had an explosive through at his house: by dissident republicans, apparently.

I know the guy’s got blood on his hands: from his earlier career as the leader of the Provisional IRA.

But … 

Well … 

I think someone wants to upset the applecart.

That doesn’t help Northern Ireland.


Oh, one for the fans, by the way?

I’m not a football fan.

But I’m quite possibly going to be taping the half time section of the final, tomorrow.


The trailer for series eleven of Dr Who airs during half time.

I’d like to see that … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring ten out of ten, and Debbi on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 14th July is THE French national holiday: Bastille Day.   It marks the day when a revolutionary mob stormed the fort: in which year?
Q2) The Bastille itself was in which French city?
Q3) Which French singer was born Jean-Philippe Léo Smet?
Q4) The Carolingian Cycle is the French equivalent to the various myths and legends about Britain’s King Arthur.   The Cycle’s ALSO know as the what of France?
Q5) Finally … Nobles who opposed the French Revolution, and the storming of the Bastille, were said to have met Madame … who?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 13th July, 2018, is that unluckiest of things: Friday the 13th.   When was the last Friday 13th?
Q2) The 13th of the month being an unlucky day is said to have its origins in a month’s ides.   The Ides had their origins in which ancient calendar: the Greek, Roman or Egyptian?
A2) Roman.
Q3) Friday 13th was very unlucky for which knightly order: the Knights who say Ne, the Knights Hospitaller or the Knights Templar?
A3) The Knights Templar: the order was dissolved — with extreme prejudice — by Phillip 4th of France.
Q4) National Accident Day usually occurs on Friday 13th.   It’s a day promoting car safety … in which European country?
A4) Finland.
Q5) 2015 saw attacks occur on Friday 13th, November.   In which city?
A5) Paris..
Q6) Jessie Matthews and Connie Hale appeared in a film called Friday 13th.   The film was released in which year of the 1930s?
A6) 1933.
Q7) Friday 13th, July, 1951, saw the death of which composer?
Q8) Allegedly, that composer had a fear of the number 13.   What’s that fear called?
A8) Apparently?   Triskaidekaphobia.
Q9) Another reason the 13th is considered unlucky?   Is that there were thirteen people at which biblical meal?
A9) The Last Supper.
Q10) Finally … ?   The Friday 13th EP was released in 1981: by which British band?
A10) The Damed.
Here’s a thought …
“When France has a cold, all Europe sneezes.”
Klemens von Metternich.
And a very French tune …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        What CAN I tell you, Olga?   Apart from “I pressed the wrong button”.   At least, that’s what I think happened!   And, after a bad start?   The day went well enough … 

†        Sounds like I’m not the only one to have a bad day, Debbi!   Everything OK … ?   Oh, did I mention the series eleven trailer drops at half time in the final?   I think I know what ad started that trend … 


  1. Q1) 1789
    Q2) Paris
    Q3) Johnny Hallyday
    Q4) The Matter of France
    Q5) La Guillotine (Considering the news items that keep being unearthed about the Spanish royal family here, I understand the French point of view on that, at least).
    I hope today is a good day as well. I'm sure the trailer will be online pretty soon, so I'm not sure I'd bother to tape the game, but...

  2. Yeah, that ad made quite an impression.

    1. 1789
    2. Paris
    3. Johnny Hallyday
    4. Matter
    5. Defarge


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