
Wednesday 18 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th July, 2018

18th July, 2018.

Yes: it’s Wednesday, and it’s decidedly a morning … of a day back at work!

Oy veh … !

It’s ALSO a morning where — as ever — I’ve got the radio on.

And something that’s cropped up … ?

Is that streaming services provided by Amazon and Netflix — and others like them — are now increasing popular: mores than many pay TV services from the likes of Sky, Virgin or BT.

That’s possibly a good thing.

Although it would be nice if I could afford them on a regular basis.

Not on my money!

Saying that?

I’m sure the finances will improve.

Either way?

It’s interesting to see how the technology has changed, and developed, over the years.

I’d love keep watching it …


Talking of watching?

You know I caught The Endless, on Sunday?

It opened with a quote — “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” — from H. P. Lovecraft.

Which got me thinking I should try and catch a film based on his work.

Interesting watch, that … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 18th July, 1862, saw the first assent of Dent Blanche.   The mountain is in which range: the Rockies, Alps or Himalayas?
Q2) Intel was founded: on 18th July, 1968.   One of the company founders was the man who created the observation that chips get twice as powerful, every two years.   What’s that law called?
Q3) 18th July, 1961, saw the birth of actress, Elizabeth McGovern.   In which series does she play Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham?
Q4) 18th July is the Feast of Saint Bruno of Segni.   Bruno had been the town’s what?
Q5) Finally … 18th July, 1957, saw the birth of record producer, Keith Levene.   Name either of the bands he was a founder of.
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 17th July is World Emoji Day.   The pictograms come from which Asian country?
A1) Japan.
Q2) 17th July is also International Day for World … what: Justice, Joy or Jerky?
A2) Justice.
Q3) Which member of the Goodies was born on 17th July, 1940?
Q4) Whose family was shot on 17th July, 1918?   (A century ago, today.)
Q5) Sandinista guerrillas captured Managua on 17th July, 1979.   Rebels city were in which South American country?
A5) Nicaragua.
Here’s a thought …
“You feel vulnerable when you hear things that are not being said.”
West Bromwich Albion manager, Alan Pardew, born 18 July 1961.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Rs, you say, Olga?   I had to re-read that!   :D   Yeah: The humidity can be the worst part.   (I keep thinking we’ll get a thunderstorm, some days, but so far?   Not a sausage: not even a cocktail one!)

†        I wish I’d realised how many possible answers there were, Debbi: I’d’ve tried to make it clearer!   Oh, the video might interest you is you can get to it.


  1. Q1) The Alps
    Q2) Moore’s Law (I’m afraid you leaked the answer there…)
    Q3) Downton Abbey
    Q4) Bishop
    Q5) The Clash
    I'll check on the movie. I'm not sure if I've ever shared this blog with you, but one of the contributors is very keen on Lovecraft and they regularly review movies and books in the sci-fi and horror genre, so you might be interested...

  2. I'll give it a look! I'm currently working on a screenplay idea involving time travel. The idea has been burning a hole in my brain for a while, and I finally did an outline! :)

    1. the Alps
    2. Moore's Law (I think you gave us that one!)
    3. Downton Abbey
    4. bishop
    5. The Clash and Public Image Ltd. (PiL)


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