
Thursday 19 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-7-2018: Le Metro

19th July, 2018.

OK, OK, I can hear you now: asking WHAT film … ?

What trailer?

This one: for the upcoming Queen biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody.

It has to be said, that looks rather good.

For starters?   Rami Malek’s English accent sounds good.

And the chap playing Bryan May?

Has the voice spot on!

I have to admit … I wouldn’t mind seeing that.

Although the strange part?

Is that the films makers look like they’ve got the Live Aid sections of the film SO spot, you could be back stage.

That’s the bit that feels weird, though.

I can remember seeing Live Aid on TV: only two bands played well that day.

Status Quo were one: opening the Global Jukebox, the concert the world saw, with Rockin’ All Over The World.

The other … ?

Well … 

It’ll be something to re-live …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.   Admittedly with help!

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 19th July, 1900, saw the opening of the first Paris Metro line.   What was that line called?
Q2) More to the point, how many lines are there on the Paris Metro?
Q3) The Metro is the second busiest in the world.   Which metro system is the busiest?
Q4) The gauge — or distance between the tracks — is four feet … and how many inches?
Q5) Finally … Many of the entrances to the Metro are in what style: Art Deco, Art Noveau or Art Garfunkel?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 18th July, 1862, saw the first assent of Dent Blanche.   The mountain is in which range: the Rockies, Alps or Himalayas?
A1) The Alps.
Q2) Intel was founded: on 18th July, 1968.   One of the company founders was the man who created the observation that chips get twice as powerful, every two years.   What’s that law called?
A2) Moore’s Law: named for Gordon Moore.   (You get twice as many components per chip, in other words, every two years.)
Q3) 18th July, 1961, saw the birth of actress, Elizabeth McGovern.   In which series does she play Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham?
Q4) 18th July is the Feast of Saint Bruno of Segni.   Bruno had been the town’s what?
A4) Bishop.
Q5) Finally … 18th July, 1957, saw the birth of record producer, Keith Levene.   Name either of the bands he was a founder of.
A5) The Clash or Public Image Limited.
Here’s a thought …
“In Paris there are wide cityscapes like nowhere else. Habit has made us indifferent to them. But those who wander around the city—keenly sniffing the air, looking to be moved, to be amazed—are very familiar with these places.”
From Paris Metro Tales by Helen Constantine.
And, because it feature those famous Metro entrances, a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Yes, you’ve mentioned it, Olga‡: I’ll have to have another look.   I know someone’s done a  retro-version of Call of Cthulhu: it’s be handy to know if they can suggest a source for the blessed thing!   (The 2005 version, that is: it’s considered definitive.)

†        Good luck with getting it placed, Debbi‡!   I look forward to seeing it!

‡        Blast!   I left Moore’s Law in, didn’t I … ?   Probably makes up for that Reserve currency question … !


  1. Q1) Porte Maillot–Porte de Vincennes
    Q2) 16 lines
    Q3) Moscow’s
    Q4) 8 and a half
    Q5) Art Nouveau
    I agree that the film looks great. Fingers crossed!

  2. Thanks, Paul. We'll see how it goes. :)

    1. Porte Maillot
    2. 16
    3. Moscow Metro
    4. 8.5 in.
    5. Art Nouveau (I'm tempted to say Art Garfunkel, but no! :))


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