
Friday 20 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th July, 2018.

20th July, 2018.

Yep: it’s official.

The trailer for Dr Who’s eleventh series — the first with Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor — was the official Dr Who Youtube channel: and BBC America’s.   Along side Jodie’s first appearance at the San Diego Comic Con.

Along side anything else?

I suspect a few of the clips in the trailer are from one or two episodes.

There’s quite a LOT of scenes with the 13th Doctor in the 12th’s outfit: so in the immediate aftermath of the regeneration.

You get to see the new sonic screwdriver in action.

No apparent shoots of the new TARDIS set … 

And still no date.

That’s a disappointment … 

But, it’s a nice trailer to see … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Which martial artist died on 20th July, 1973?
Q2) 20th July, 1977, saw the CIA release papers about is MKULTRA mind control programme.   Which 2009 film was a satirical tale about MKULTRA?
Q3) 20th July is International Chess Day.   In chess, a pawn that reaches the opposite side of the board gets what?
Q4) 20th July is the feast day of Saint Wilgefortis.   Wilgefortis is the patron saint of whom: bearded women, left handers or amputees?
Q5) 20th July, 1956, saw the birth of drummer, Paul Cook.   Which punk band was he a member of?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 19th July, 1900, saw the opening of the first Paris Metro line.   What was that line called?
Q2) More to the point, how many lines are there on the Paris Metro?
A2) Sixteen.
Q3) The Metro is the second busiest in the world.   Which metro system is the busiest?
A3) Russia’s Moscow Metro.
Q4) The gauge — or distance between the tracks — is four feet … and how many inches?
A4) 8 1/2 inches: what’s called standard gauge.
Q5) Finally … Many of the entrances to the Metro are in what style: Art Deco, Art Noveau or Art Garfunkel?
A5) Art Noveau.
Here’s a thought …
“I do not steal victory.”
Alexander the Great, 20 July 356 BC – 10June 323 BC.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I THINK I’ve managed to source it, Olga‡.   It’s short — which I knew, anyway — but looks like it’ll make for an interesting evening’s viewing.   That shortness should let me do a really LONG post … (Oh, I’ve seen the new Dr Who trailer.   The sonic screwdriver’s looking orange.   OK, I’ll shut up …).  Oh, hang on, you mean the Queen biopic?   You’re right!   Good’s the word!

†        That We will, Debbi‡, that we will!   Oh, have you caught the new trailer?   The US version tells us series eleven will hit in ‘the fall.’    I’m just looking forward to getting a date … !   For the show!   Buying someone a coffee’s a bit more money than I’ve got at the mo!   (The sonic screwdriver’s looking orange.   OK, you’d noticed, hadn’t you … ?)

‡        As far as I can tell?   The line’s called Line 1.   What can I tell you?


  1. Q1) Bruce Lee
    Q2) The Men Who Stare at Goats (I’m sure I’ve watched a documentary about this too… Fascinating)
    Q3) Promoted
    Q4) Bearded women! (It seems she should be the patron saint of many women who aren’t yet free to pursue their own lives).
    Q5) Sex Pistols
    I can't remember who I was talking to here not long ago and although they seemed to be fans, they had not heard that the new doctor was a woman. I haven't seen any ads here, so I'm not sure if it is shown in the standard TV channels or probably through one of the paying services. I hope you get to hear about dates soon.

  2. Your answer to question 3 yesterday is wrong. The correct answer is Beijing.

    Beijing Subway – 3.4bn
    Tokyo Subway* – 3.2bn
    Shanghai Metro – 2.8bn
    Seoul Subway** – 2.6bn
    Moscow Metro – 2.5bn
    Guangzhou Metro – 2.3bn
    New York City Subway – 1.8bn
    Hong Kong MTR – 1.7bn
    Mexico City Metro – 1.6bn
    Paris Métro – 1.5bn

    *Includes the Tokyo Metro, the Toei Subway, and the Rinkai Line.

    **Lines 1-9 only

    The London Underground is bubbling under in 11th place with just 1.3bn. And you thought the Central Line got crowded of a morning.

  3. Looks like I'm gearing up for a lot of thriller/sci-fi screenplay reading.

    I'd love to track down a screenplay for "1984". Or the teleplay. Or the screenplay for THX1138.

    1. Bruce Lee
    2. The Men Who Stare at Goats
    3, promoted
    4. bearded women
    5. the Sex Pistols


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