
Sunday 29 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29-7-2018: NASA

29th July, 2018.

It’s got to reiterated: it’s a Sunday.

I’m up WAY too early: but that’s what I’m getting paid for!

But I have to say … I actually got some sleep, last night.

Well …

After reading a few more pages of a book.

The book at bedtime at the moment?

Is LeGuin’s The Other Wind.

And … ?

My word, the woman’s prose was gorgeous!

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) The act that created NASA was signed into US law on 29th July.    Of which year?
Q2) By which US President?
Q3) NASA is, of course, the National Aeronautics and Space … what?
Q4) According to the act that founded it, NASA’s fifth objective was to  concur activities inside and outside the … what?
Q5) NASA’s first project was a hypersonic plane: called the X … what?
Q6) It’s first manned rockets were part of the what programme?
Q7) How many manned missions were there — successful or otherwise — in NASA’s Apollo programme?
Q8) The International Space Station is jointly operated by NASA.   What was NASA’s original space-station called?
Q9) The International Space Station is jointly operated by NASA.   Name any one of the five other space agencies that ALSO contribute.
Q10) Finally … Which NASA space ship lasted from 1981 to 2011?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 28th July, 1993, saw the birth of England footballer, Harry Kane.   How many goals — overall — did he score in the 2018 World Cup?
A1) Six.
Q2) The Sutton Hoo helmet was found: on 28th July, 1939.   The helmet, Sutton Hoo, and the dig, are in which English county?
A2) Suffolk.
Q3) The first swimmer to win six Gold medals at one World Championship, did so on 28th July, 2001.   Which Australian swimmer achieved this feat?
A3) Ian Thorpe.
Q4) The Spetsgruppa A were formed on 28th July, 1974.   Which country’s Special Forces are Spetsgruppa A?
A4) Russia’s.
Q5) Finally … 28th July, 2000, saw the last batch of prisoners released from which prison?
A5) The Maze.
Here’s a thought …
“NASA didn’t give a crap what gender you were or what race you were. If you could do the math, you were valuable.”
Theodore Melfi.
And a song or three…

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You know, that really does sound like a fantastic little series, Olga: I might just have to keep an eye open!   Channel Four might just have to commission a UK version: Humans is starting to drag a bit.   (Although Gemma Chan is funny: when’s she’s playing her character’s Anita alter-ego.)   But I’m very aware that Netflix picked up El Ministerio del Tiempo for its third season.   That’s going to be interesting … if they make enough English language versions.

†        When’s it due out, Debbi?   I’m going to have to look that up!   (Actually, I’ve JUST found you on iTunes.   And downloading from the first series now …).  By the way, I’ve just had a look at 2000AD’s website.   Rather interesting to see.   Some of the graphic novels might grab you: and there’s some freebie samplers as well.


  1. Q1) 1958
    Q2) Eisenhower
    Q3) Administration
    Q4) Atmosphere (conduct?)
    Q5) X-15 (It’s a bit confusing as the articles seem to conflate the previous NACA organisation and NASA)
    Q6) Mercury
    Q7) 11
    Q8) Skylab
    Q9) The European Space Agency (ESA)
    Q10) The Space Shuttle
    I only watched some of the first series of Human so I have no idea where it has gone from there. Keep me posted. And I hope your working day goes smoothly.

  2. I should check that out. So much to do, so little ... well, you know! :)

    The latest podcast will be on YouTube on Wednesday, Aug. 1. The audio will hit iTunes and Stitcher on the following Sunday.

    1. 1958
    2. Eisenhower
    3. Administration
    4. the atmosphere
    5. X-43
    6. Apollo
    7. 12 (I think!)
    8. Space Station Freedom (how Reagan-esque! :))
    9. ESA
    10. the space shuttle

    You should check the blog on my website. I found the most awesome video by The Who! :)


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