
Monday 30 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30th July, 2018.

30th July, 2018.

Yep: I’m on a short week, this week.

And, understandably?

I’m having mixed feelings about it.

Yes: I’m going to be using holiday time to pad out my hours.

Otherwise I’d be getting paid less, next week.

On the other hand?

At least I’ve some time off coming.

That’s an upside: at least I’d be able to clean, launder, maybe catch a movie, or two.


Right now, I’ve got two quid left for the rest of the week.

I’ll let your imagination do the rest, shall I … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga on nine out of nine, and Debbi on eight.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 30th July, 1739, saw the founding of the largest city in Maryland.   What city IS that?
Q2) 30th July, 1966, saw England win which footballing trophy?
Q3) The last original what, rolled off a Mexican production line on 30th July, 2003 … ?
Q4) Baghdad was founded on 30th July, 762.   It’s the capital of which country?
Q5) Finally … which Union leader famously disappeared on 30th July, 1975?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) The act that created NASA was signed into US law on 29th July.    Of which year?
A1) 1958.
Q2) By which US President?
Q3) NASA is, of course, the National Aeronautics and Space … what?
A3) Agency.
Q4) According to the act that founded it, NASA’s fifth objective was to  conduct activities inside and outside the … what?
A4) Atmosphere.   (Cue Russ Abbott)
Q5) NASA’s first project was a hypersonic plane: called the X … what?
A5) The X15.
Q6) It’s first manned rockets were part of the what programme?
A6) The Mercury programme.
Q7) How many manned missions were there — successful or otherwise — in NASA’s Apollo programme?
A7) Twelve.
Q8) The International Space Station is jointly operated by NASA.   What was NASA’s original space-station called?
A8) Skylab.
Q9) The International Space Station is jointly operated by NASA.   Name any one of the five other space agencies that ALSO contribute.
A9) Roscosmos (Russian), CSA or Canadian Space Agency, JAXA, the Japanese Space Agency, and the European Space Agency.
Q10) Finally … Which NASA space ship lasted from 1981 to 2011?
A10) The space shuttle programme.
Here’s a thought …
“You take an objective approach at times to get you through things, and you take a subjective approach at other times, and that allows you to find an emotional experience for the audience.”
Christopher Nolan, born 30 July 1970.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Well … I think Humans is getting a bit tired, Olga.   One of the characters is pregnant, by the Colin Morgan character: who’s part synth.   That idea seemed a bit iffy when Battlestar Galactica did it, but we’ll have to see how it goes.   Oh, and Sunday went smoothly … ish … It wasn’t too bad, but I think I’d’ve preferred sleeping more!   (I think the X15 was started by NACA: but was taken over by NASA, after it was created.)

†        I will do, Debbi, I will!   Did you ever catch the Tommy movie?   I should really sit down with that, again: if for no other reason than to catch Elton’s version of Pinball Wizard.   Or possibly Acid Queen … !   (Oh, Rogue Trooper, one of the more obscure 2000AD characters?   Is getting turned into a movie by Duncan Jones.   Could be good: if it’s done right …)


  1. Q1) Baltimore (1729, I think)
    Q2) The FIFA World Cup
    Q3) Volkswagen Beetle
    Q4) Iraq
    Q5) Jimmy Hoffa
    Pleased it wasn't too bad a day, although I know what you mean about enjoying some time off. I hope this week makes up for it (and yes, I know it doesn't quite work that way).
    All the best.

  2. Wow! Sure a lot of comic adaptations these days.

    I have seen the movie "Tommy", but it's been ages! :) I remember it was ... interesting!

    I recall that Oliver Reed made quite an impression on me. Not to mention Keith Moon! OMG! :)

    1. Baltimore
    2. the FIFA World Cup
    3. Volkswagon Beetle
    4. Iraq
    5. Jimmy Hoffa

    BTW, the last A in NASA does stand for Administration:

    Not to get picky or anything! :)


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