
Tuesday 31 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31st July, 2018

31st July, 2018.

Yes: I’ve officially forgot to tape last night’s I’m Sorry, I Haven’t a Clue.


I’m grateful for the BBC’s catch up services: it means I can listen to the episode, while I write.

But ALSO … that I have a tough job trying not to laugh, whilst typing.

Always difficult, that.

At ANY rate … ?

I’m planning to set the timer for Sunday’s repeat.

I’d like to complete the set.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 31st July, 1492, saw the Alhambra Decree go into effect.   This effectively forced Jewish citizens from which country?
Q2) 31st July, 1998, saw the UK ban the use of what: heroin, landmines or the Internet?
Q3) The UK’ government announced it was to sue the Sunday Telegraph: on 31st July, 1987.   To prevent the paper’s publication of which book?
Q4) Pierre Laval was arrested by the Allies: on 31st July, 1945.   Laval had been leader of where: Quisling Norway, Phalangist Spain or Vichy France?
Q5) Finally … Which WW1 battle started on 31st July, 1917?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 30th July, 1729, saw the founding of the largest city in Maryland.   What city IS that?
A1) Baltimore.
Q2) 30th July, 1966, saw England win which footballing trophy?
A2) The World Cup.
Q3) The last original what, rolled off a Mexican production line on 30th July, 2003 …?
A3) VW Beetle.
Q4) Baghdad was founded on 30th July, 762.   It’s the capital of which country?
A4) Iraq.
Q5) Finally … which Union leader famously disappeared on 30th July, 1975?
A5) Jimmy Hoffa.   (According to an FBI report in 1976, his disappearance was believed to be due to organised crime attempts to gain control of his union’s pension fund.)
Here’s a thought …
“We who survived the Camps are not true witnesses. We are those who, through prevarication, skill or luck, never touched bottom. Those who have, and who have seen the face of the Gorgon, did not return, or returned wordless.”
Primo Levi, 31 July 1919 – 11 April 1987.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*       Yeah: I’m looking forward to that, Olga.   Even if I just end up doing lots more laundry and cleaning it’d be nice NOT have to answer the phone … !   I might just be able to sit in with a movie!

†        Yeah: I don’t think you could get away with Fiddle About, again, in quite the same way!   Actually … ?   I’ve just found the trailer … was that Orson Wells voicing that … ?   It sounded like Orson Welles, but what do I know … ?!   There’s plenty of Marvel and DC adaptions, I think.   There’s two many Marvels, I know that: I’ve not watch more than Black Panther, because there’s two many to keep track of.   But it would be nice to see a few 2000AD films done: Dredd’s been done, twice, but no-one’s done Rogue Trooper.   Or Halo Jones‡, come to think of it.

‡        Saying that?   Halo Jones, 2000AD’s best loved female character of the mid-80s, was penned by Alan Moore and drawn by Ian Gibson.   The planned series of nine books never got beyond the third, after Moore^ was involved in a copyright dispute with the comic’s publishers.   There’s been talk … but, in thirty-four years, Halo’s story has never been expanded.   That’s a crying shame.

^        Moore is generally regarded as the best writer in the field.   But is also reticent about seeing his work turned into movies.


  1. Q1) Spain
    Q2) Landmines
    Q3) Spycatcher
    Q4) Vichy France
    Q5) The Battle of Passchendaele
    I'm sure you'll manage to find something interesting to watch.

  2. I can understand his reticence. :)

    1. Spain
    2. landmines
    3. Spycatcher
    4. Vichy France (ever see the movie "Casablanca"? Vichy France always makes me think of it)
    5. the Third Battle of Ypres, aka, the Battle of Passchendaele


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