
Monday 16 July 2018

The Endless: A Review …

15th July, 2018.

You know, there comes a time …

No, let’s forget opening pretentiously, shall we?

I’m me.

And would far rather be blunt.


I’d ALSO far rather be dancing the boo-ga-loo.   But am very aware my knees couldn’t take the strain.

And that at my age, and with my build … ?

Dancing is going to look undignified.

At least if nothing else, I can put some classic Japan on and tap my feet.

If I don’t look undignified … 


At any rate … ?

At any rate I’ve had a restful day off, today: dinner with the family, and some laundry, included.

Oh, and making movies with iMovie.   Teaser videos, anyway.

Experimenting with some of the filters can be handy … 

As you might have noticed, watching the intro.

I ALSO like watching TV: if there’s anything worth watching on.   As my family will tell you, the only reason I was interested in the World Cup final, today?

Was the fact the first teaser trailer with Jodie Whittaker’s 13th Doctor aired during half time.

Would’ve been nice to see an air date, there, but still …

It’s nice to see it.

It was ALSO nice to see what I eventually ended up seeing, tonight.

Yep: I sat down with the 2017 film, The Endless.

No … 

Beyond saying this is a good film?

I couldn’t quite tell you what I’ve seen.


The Endless sees brother, Justin and Aaron — Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, respectively — receive a mysterious video from the commune they grew up in.

A commune that Justin, at least, feels deeply ambiguous about: as the pair have been in therapy since leaving.

A sense of ambiguity he still feels, as Aaron talks him into heading back.

Once there, they’re welcomed back into the commune … 

Only for the pair to realise … the place is stranger than they remembered … 


Now … 

Not sure … ?


I’m not entirely sure what to make of The Endless.

But … ?

I came away with the impression that this The Endless is a film that won’t explain itself in just one viewing.

It’s a film that — much like the time loops it very slowly presents — would repay multiple viewings.

Something I don’t have time for, right now … 

That’s I’m going to have to invest later.

It strikes me The Endless will repay that investment.

The Endless

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