
Monday 16 July 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-7-2018: Mo’ Money

16th July, 2018.

Yes: I’m right, aren’t I … ?

There’s interesting stuff doing the rounds.

For starters?

I’ve — as ever — got Radio 4’s Today programme on: and John Humphrys is giving a Russian hell.

Or getting hell from Sasha Baron Cohen.

One of the two.

At any rate, they’ve just had former Education Secretary, Justine Greening, on.

Whose calling for a three option, second Brexit referendum.

A three option Brexit, please note.

I HATE agreeing or endorsing anything said, done or even breathed on, by a Tory.

It’s on a par with asking Hilary Clinton to vote Republican.

But?   I’ve been thinking for months that we need a second referendum: one with exactly her suggestions.

The Government’s making a complete hash of it.

Her options?
  • The soft Brexit proposed by Theresa May’s Chequers document.
  • A Hard Brexit: leaving the EU with no deal.
  • Staying in the EU.

I don’t see it happening.

Mores the pity.

But I know I’d be happy to vote for staying in the EU.


Before I move on … ?

I actually manage to catch … the series 11 teaser trailer*.

Although whether it’s a trailer or not is generating discussion on Twitter.

At ANY rate?

I’m pleased to have seen it: it looks good.

But notice that, beyond the ‘Coming This Fall’ text on the US version?

There’s no actually airdate.

That’s disappointing … 


In amongst all this?

I managed to catch a film, last night.

One called The Endless.

Quite what to make of it?   I’m sure I couldn’t say.

But it’s an interesting film.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The first bank notes in Europe were issued on 16th July, 1661.   In which European country?
Q2) Banknotes were originally made pf what: paper, cloth or plastic?
Q3) The earliest banknotes were made in which country?
Q4) The UK uses two denomination of plastic banknote.   Name either denomination.
Q5) Finally … Pound sterling, the US dollar and the Euro are all which R?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 15th July, 2017, saw the death of actor, Martin Landau.   In which series did he play Rollin Hand … ?
Q2) 15th July, 70AD saw a Roman army breach the walls of Jerusalem.   The army was led by whom?
A2) Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus: best remembered as just Titus.
Q3) The Mozilla Foundation formed on 15th July, 2003.   It’s best known products — the Firefox web browser — is what: open source, closed source or curry source?
A3) Open Source.
Q4) What religious organisation was disbanded on 15th July, 1834?
A4) The Spanish Inquisition.   (Cardinal Fang … ! On a more serious note?   The only member of the Inquisition I’ve heard of is Tomás de Torquemada.   Mostly because of a 2000AD character named after him.)
Q5) Finally, and during the First Crusade?   15th July, 1099 saw a Crusader Army capture which Jerusalem landmark?
Here’s a thought …
“Money is like muck, not good except it be spread.”
Francis Bacon.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        She nicked his chip.   She nicked his actual chip.   You can’t go nicking people’s chips, that’s NAUGHTY!

†        Ha!   Fans!   I can still remember the meeting between Mr Trump and Kim Jong-un, Olga.   Apparently, the North Koreans hand out goody bags.   Complete with USB fans.   The dratted things got security experts issuing dire warnings!   At any rate, the situation in Catalonia does seem a worthwhile cause: the way pro-independence politicians were treated, seems scandalous!   (Yep, the recording worked: the UK one, from the BBC’s broadcast, is the upper most version of the trailer.)

‡        Always glad to help, there, Debbi.   Although I have to say, the UK versions of the Get a Mac ads weren’t quite as good: bad casting, maybe.   And no-one expects the Spanish Inquisition … !   Now … about that treadle ….  Remind me to mention Tomás de Torquemada: the only priest with a deranged 2000AD character named for him.   (She nicked his chip: his CHIP!   And dipped it in his egg!)


  1. Q1) Sweden
    Q2) Paper
    Q3) China
    Q4) Five pounds (They feel very weird)
    Q5) Representative money
    Now that I'm back here, I find fans (hand-held and manual...) very useful to survive. Really hot at times! I'm pleased you got the trailer (if it is a trailer). I know what you mean about dates. Here some TV channels can go on for weeks promoting some TV series and never say when it's coming. I haven't seen Endless but feel curious.
    Have a good week!

  2. Cardinal Fang! Bring the soft cushions! :)

    Ah, the Python boys.

    1. Sweden
    2. paper
    3. China
    4. 5 and 10 pound notes
    5. ready assets


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