
Wednesday 15 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th August, 2018

15th August, 2018.

Right … 

I’m back at work, today.

Wouldn’t you know it.

And have another day off, tomorrow.


I’m grateful for that time off.

Although thinking — when I put in for it — I should maybe have asked for a pay-rise, as well.


I should be so lucky … !

At any rate, another day off, tomorrow?

Means I can watch another episode of Westworld, tomorrow.

That’s something to look forward to.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 15th August is an Indian film released in 2011.   It’s in which Indian language?
Q2) The foundation stone of Cologne Cathedral was laid: on 15th August, 1248.   The Cathedral was supposed to house the relics of whom: the Three Wise Men, the Shepards or the Apostles?
Q3) 15th August, 1070, saw an Italian monk — Lanfranc of Pavia — named as which archbishop?
Q4) What animal did the Smithsonian announce it had discovered: on 15th August, 2013?
Q5) Finally … ?   Bahrain gained its independence: on 15th August, 1971.   From which country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 14th August saw the UK government send troops … where?
Q2) Dutty Boukman led a tempestuous vodou ceremony on 14th August, 1791.   This helped trigger a successful slave revolt: in what’s now where?
A2) Haiti.
Q3) The Marine, &c., Broadcasting (Offences) Act 1967 — also called the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act — went into UK law on 14th August, 1967.   It banned off-shore pirate what?
Q4) Those pirates were in international … what?
A4) Waters.
Q5) Finally … ?   Comedian, Steve Martin was born on 14th August, 1945.   He’s also a musician: noted for playing which stringed instrument?
A5) The banjo.
Here’s a thought …
“For really there is nothing like wings for getting you into trouble. But, on the other hand, if you are in trouble, there is nothing like wings for getting you out of it.”
Five Children and It, E. Nesbit, 15 August 1858 – 4 May 1924.
And a song‡ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Did we mention Debbi has a Mac, Olga?   Amazing how well they handle video … … … At ANY rate … ?   As for Mark Thomas?   I’m kicking myself: I always kept missing his shows.   I do know I’ve had a quick look through his Wikipedia entry.   Apparently, he was a gag writer for Dave Allen: I’m impressed!   I might just have to keep an eye peeled for his Radio Four show … 

†        My pleasure, Debbi, my pleasure!   Hopefully, I might just be able to post another for you!   (Oh, I’m dropping a hint at Olga: but I know how shy she is …)

‡        Can someone give Jimmy a cake?   He’s been banging on about the bloody thing for years!


  1. Q1) Malayalam
    Q2) the Three Wise Men
    Q3) Archbishop of Canterbury
    Q4) The olinguito
    Q5) The United Kingdom
    I recommend Mark Thomas although have not seen him in years (I had watched him on the telly a few times and he is a very clever man. Most comedians worth their salt are, to be fair).
    I had to share the link to the video of Priscilla's play version. I saw it in Sheffield a few years back and that particular number was hilarious!

  2. Yes, that cake that got left out in the rain! Oh, my! :)

    1. Malayalam
    2. the Three Wise Men
    3. Archbishop of Canterbury
    4. the olinguito
    5. the UK


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