
Thursday 9 August 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9th August, 2018

9th August, 2018.

You know, usually … ?

I don’t complain about international politics.

For a a given value of ‘usually,’ ‘complain’ or ‘politics.’


At any rate, the US State Department thinks Mr Trump’s ideas about imposing swinging tariffs is a good one.

And imposed some on Russia.

Using the nerve agent attacks in Salisbury, on Sergei and Yulia Skripal, as an excuse to do so.


Hmmm … 

The British government says it welcomes the move.

I, personally, don’t.

I’m thinking, here, that’s it’s not direct interference in the actions or policies of the UK’s government.   But IS outside the US government’s remit.

It’s a response — to the best of my knowledge — the UK hasn’t done, itself: nor asked the US to do.

It’s not direct … 

But still interference, none-the-less.

And unwelcome, at that.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Betty Boop made her debut on 9th August, 1930.   In a cartoon called Dizzy … what?
Q2) The first UK city council to announce it would open a nudist beach, did so on 9th August, 1979.   Which city was it … ?
Q3) Internment — detention without trial — was introduced into one part of the UK: on 9th August, 1971.   Which part of the UK?
Q4) Eddie Futch was born on 9th August, 1911.   He trained professional … what?
Q5) Smokey Bear made his debut on 9th August, 1944.   He was used to tell the US public about the dangers of forest … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Which airship began a round-the-world trip: on 8th August, 1929?
A1) The Graf Zeppelin.
Q2) 8th August, 1991, saw the release of hostage, John McCarthy.   He’d been held hostage by Islamic Jihad: in which Lebanese city?
A2) Beirut.
Q3) 8th August is the earliest date Melon Day can fall on.   Which country celebrates Melon Day?
Q4) Mehmen 4th succeeded Ibrahim 1st: on 8th August, 1648.   As what: Japanese emperor, Tsar of all the Russians, or Ottoman Sultan?
Q5) Finally … 8th August is the Roman Catholic feast day of Saint Cyriacus.   What the date of his Eastern Orthodox feast day?
A5) 7th June.
Here’s a thought …
“You’ve got to know who you are before you step into this business, because if you’re trying to find it, you’ll probably wind up being somebody else, that you probably don’t even like.”
Whitney Houston, August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012.
And a song or three‡ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, boy, the rota, Olga!   My supervisor made the very good point that I should keep an eye peeled on the rota: as and when it’s posted.   Which is very true, and very well made.   My counterpoint to them … ?   Complete with screenshots of the relevant email trail?   Was exactly that: bloody well tell me, if it changes!   As for music … ?   It’s always the way: a good one will get covered, for years!   (Summertime got a cover by the Fun Boy Three, of all people.   And, if you can track down the version of Heartbreak Hotel, performed by Nicky Moore’s Blues Corporation, give it a listen.   It’s definitive: and better than Elvis’s version.)

†        Well, I’m getting a touch better, Debbi: so it’s all good!   Oh … someone’s getting handy with html tags!   I don’t know if the jpg I sent will help, but … !   :D.  (Told you it’s easy … !)

‡        It’s Not Right is one of the love songs.   The fact it’s about a relationship coming to an end … ?   Makes it all the rarer …


  1. Q1) Dishes
    Q2) Brighton
    Q3) Northern Ireland
    Q4) Boxing (boxers)
    Q5) Wildfires (So many years back and we haven’t learned the lesson yet. Although so many are intentional… Spain is plagued at the moment, even if none are as large as California’s but relative to the surface…)
    I'm sure they could find a way to automate the sending of e-mails everytime the rota changed, but perhaps they aren't technically minded...

  2. Your not the only one who objects to Trump. But you knew that! :)

    1. Dishes
    2. Brighton
    3. Northern Ireland
    4. boxer
    5. fires


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