
Thursday 6 September 2018

American Horror Story — Series 7: Cult — Episode 1 and 2: Election Night and Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark.

5th September, 2018.

Yes … we have some good news.

At least … good news if you — like me — are a fan of either Dr Who, or American Horror Story.

The BBC have announced the airdate for series eleven of Dr Who: Sunday, 7th October, this year.

Interesting choice of nights, I think: a choice made, I think, to avoid a collision with Strictly Come Dancing.

We’ll have to see how that goes!


The other good news?

Is that the airdate for American Horror Story’s eighth series — Apocalypse — will be on 12th September, this year: at least in the US.

That’s a couple of things to look forward to.


Given that … ?

Given that there’s  new series of American Horror Story on the soon to hit town horizon … ?

Given I have a night off, and that I’ve not seen American Horror Story’s seventh series, Cult, as yet?

I though I’d better get started … 


Episode 1Election Night — introduces us to Ally Mayfair-Richards (Sarah Paulson), her wife, Ivy (Alison Pill) and their son, Oz (Cooper Dodson) on election night.

The frail Ally?   Finds Trump being elected sets off a whole slew of phobias …

Elsewhere?   The Trump supporting Kai (Even Peters) is celebrating the win: whilst his Clinton supporting sister, Winter (Billie Lourd) definitely isn’t.

Things … ?

Aren’t going to be easy.

Episode 2Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark — sees Ivy checking the bedroom: as Ally has had hallucinations of scary clowns running amok.

Sees Kai running for the city council: after Harrison and Meadow Wilton (Billy Eichner and Leslie Grossman) turn over footage of Kai being attacked to reporter Beverly Hope (Adina Porter).

And Winter?   Having been hired as Oz’s baby sitter?

Starts inveigling herself into Ally’s affections … 


Now … 

Yes: it’s getting late.

So, yes: I’ll be keeping this short.

But yes: Cult seems to be rather good.

We’ll have to see how it goes … 

But these first two episode set to be setting up a good season: AND a potential bombshell performer in the shape of Bille Lourd.

Who Ho!

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