
Wednesday 19 September 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-9-2018: Talk Like A Pirate Day

19th September, 2018: ye lubbers!

Yeah, blow doing that for a long time!

He says, eyeballing the Teaser video … … 

At any rate?

It’s Talk Like A Pirate Day.

So if you haven’t recorded a silly video and posted it somewhere … ?

Complete with a certain amount of corpsing?

I’ll be disappointed … 


If you’re in the UK, you’ll possibly know that the British Board of Film Classification is the body that gives films a certificate: one that will permit it to play in cinemas across the country.

Something that can be changed by local councils.

And something that’s been done by a few councils: for a film called A Northern Soul.   Most of the councils concerned have given it a milder classification than the BBFC.

All well and good.

I’ll be frank, though.

It’s the first time I’ve heard of it happening in a while.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 19th September is Talk Like a Pirate Day.   It’s officially recognised in which US state?
Q2) Who wrote the 1821 novel, The Pirates?
Q3) The Cornish Pirates play what?
Q4) Pirate Jenny — Seeräuber-Jenny‡, in the original German — appear in which Kurt Weill piece?
Q5) Finally … ?   Tales of The Black Freighter feature in which film and graphic novel?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Refugees arrived in the UK on 18th September, 1972.   From which country?
A1) Uganda.
Q2) 18th September, 1837, saw the opening of what’s now Tiffany & Co.   It’s flagship store is on Fifth Avenue: in which US city?
A2) New York.
Q3) Henry D. Washburn discovered a geyser: on 18th September, 1870.   What did he call it?
A3) Old Faithful.
Q4) 18th September, 1618, saw the start of the 12th Baktun: a period in the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar.    A Baktun is how many days long?
A4) 144, 000 days.
Q5) The first Hanoverian King of Great Britain arrived in the country: on 18th September, 1618.   Which king WAS it?
A5) George 1st.
Here’s a thought …
“It is piracy, not overt online music stores, which is our main competitor.”
Steve Jobs.
And a song …

Or two … 

And a philosophical question … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        As long as the books are balancing, you should be OK, Olga^: but Brexit’s been touching everything.   There’s talk — in case you DIDN’T know — of another referendum.   I hope it happens!   And yes, I’d recommend Solo.   It’s a good slice of fun.   AND there’s an unexpected returning character, at the end: one I know I’d like to see more of!

†        My pleasure, Debbi^.   Can I make a confession?   I’m frustrated.   There’s still no start time!

‡        According to Google Translate, Seeräuber means ‘buccaneer.’   My head, on the other hand?   Is telling me the word is ‘sea robber’ … 

^        Sorry about the Intro and Teaser video: but talking like a pirate seemed the thing … Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh … 


  1. Q1) Michigan
    Q2) Sir Walter Scott
    Q3) Rugby Union
    Q4) The Threepenny Opera
    Q5) Watchmen
    Thanks, Paul. I like the character of Han Solo and now I'm intrigued. I hope everything works out for the best in the end. I went to visit a local radio station (a district radio station, in this case, this one: and, fingers crossed, I'll start volunteering there soon (going on Friday to see how they work on the local news and there are interesting options of many other things. They are also very involved in local social projects and initiatives, so I hope it works out well).

  2. I'm not in Michigan. Nonetheless, arrhh! :)

    1. Michigan
    2. Walter Scott
    3. rugby
    4. The Threepenny Opera
    5. Watchmen


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