
Monday 24 September 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-9-2018: Nevermind

24th September, 2018.

Yep, it’s official, I used to play guitar: badly, at that.

As you can possibly tell, if you watch until the end of the intro video.

Strange, I know: but even given that, I felt I should at least give the thing an airing: considering the days subject.


You’d noticed the photo, hadn’t you … ?


I’ve got to admit, I’ve noticed something on Facebook.

Someone’s posted to a Dr Who group I’m in: claiming that the start date had been announced.

7PM, on the 7th, seemingly.

I’m not quoting that as definitive, though.

There’s nothing on the BBC website, yet, after all.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 24th September saw the release of Nirvana’s best known album, Nevermind.   In which year of the 1990s?
Q2) Who produced the album?
Q3) The best known single from the album was Smells Like Teen Spirit.   The song was named after a brand of what … ?
Q4) Spencer Eldan has an important role on Nevermind.   What IS his role?
Q5) Finally … ?   What was the highest position Nevermind reached in the UK album charts?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 23rd September, 1641, saw the Merchant Royal lost off the coast of Land’s End.   It’s was carrying a large cargo of which precious metal?
A1) Gold.   (About a billion’s worth, sterling, in modern money.   Given the existence of Cornish wreckers?   I’d love to know what happened to that gold … )
Q2) Who had a lung operation on 23rd September, 1951?
A2) George 6th: the current queen’s father.
Q3) Nintendo was founded: on 23rd September, 1889.   It made Hanafuda, a type of what: board game, ball game or card game?
A3) A card game.
Q4) The original version of the Mozilla Firefox browser was released on 23rd September, 2002.   It was then named after which mythical bird?
A4) The phoenix.
Q5) Finally … ?   23rd September, 63BC, saw the birth of Augustus Caesar, Rome’s first emperor.   He became sole ruler of Ancient Rome in which year?
A5) 27BC.
Here’s a thought …
“Looking back on the production of Nevermind, I’m embarrassed by it now. It’s closer to a Mötley Crüe record than it is a punk rock record.”
Kurt Cobain.
And Nevermind

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        You know, Olga, I always feel a bit … iffy … about Grammarly.   I’m sort of with Terry Pratchett: it’s not a patch on learning it for yourself.   At ANY rate … ?   Work went well, thanks: how was the research for the piece … ?   (Yeah, Nintendo’s been around for a while.   A lot of these big companies have: Nokia got its start in 1865, as a pulp mill.)

§       Yes, I know, Debbi.   But I keep thinking I could possibly re-create it with a key, a guitar, and the special effects in Audacity.   Hey HO!


  1. Q1) 1991
    Q2) Butch Vig
    Q3) deodorant
    Q4) He is the baby featured on the cover
    Q5) 7
    Well, there are some things machines are good for. I must confess that writing in British English, teaching in USA English, and also reading and writing and Spanish and Catalan, any help will do. I cannot play any musical instruments so...

  2. Or Garage Band.

    1. 1991
    2. Butch Vig
    3. deodorant
    4. the baby on the cover
    5. 7


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