
Friday 28 September 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 28th September, 2018

28th September, 2018.

Yes.   I’m decidedly knackered.

And, after asking around?

Have no extra shifts.

With no co-workers having any they need covering.

It’s frustrating … 

It’s ALSO something I’ve discussed with my agency.

They’d rather I stayed on — it is they’re income, after all — but are very aware that I’m …
  • Not happy.
  • Thinking of asking the job to lay me off.
It’s not everyone’s best option.

But, unless I get more hours?

Well … 


One NICE thing?

Is that we finally have both an airdate for The Woman who Fell to Earthand a start time.

Doctor Who, series eleven, episode one, will be one Sunday, 7th October, 2018, at 6:45pm.

Well, finally … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring four out of five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The first European country to emancipate its Jewish citizens, did so on 28th September, 1791.   Which country was it?
Q2) The Ulster Covenant was signed on 28th September, 1912.   It was signed by Ulster Protestants who opposed what: abortions, woman’s suffrage or Home Rule?
Q3) 28th September, 1939, saw Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany agree to split where, at the end of the war?
Q4) 28th September, 1985, saw riots where: Brixton, Canning Town or Dollis Hill?
Q5) Finally … ?   The UK’s parliament passed the Misuse of Drugs Act, 1971.   Accoring to that act Cannabis is class what drug?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 27th September is World Tourism Day: according to the United Nations.   The theme for this year’s Day is what tourism?
Q2) It’s organised by the UNWTO: the UN World Tourism … what?
Q3) What, according to the UNWTO, was the world’s most visited country, in 2017?
A3) France.
Q4) Again, according to the UNWTO, which country earned the most money from tourism in 2017?
A4) The USA.
Q5) What — according to Euromonitor — was the world’s visited city?
A5) Hong Kong.
Here’s a thought …
“I did it as a cooperative gesture. I took the cut over two months ago – 25%.”
Newsreader, Jon Snow†, born 28th September, 1947, on taking a pay cut.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Top of the Pops 2 was rather handy, like that Debbi.   Unfortunately?   The’s show’s long since gone.   I think footage of it, and Top of the Pops, doesn’t get as much of an airing as it could.   Jimmy Savile … well … 

†      I’m‡ quoting the newsreader: NOT the Game of Thrones character!

‡        Every time I see Ygritte, in Game of Thrones?   I keep thinking how much she looks like Bianca in EastEnders.   It’s hard to not shout ‘Ricky!!!!!!!!!!!’


  1. Q1) France (but I’ve read Poland did that 500 years earlier…)
    Q2) Home Rule
    Q3) Poland (here it is, again)
    Q4) Brixton
    Q5) Class B

    Happy about Dr Who. Sorry about the job. I hope things improve, one way or another.
    After attending a long meeting for the radio, I must go back this afternoon to edit it, as it will air sometime between 7 and 8 pm this evening. Wish me luck!

  2. Good to see that a date has been announced. Is it BBC only or BBC America, too, I wonder.

    1. France
    2. Home Rule
    3. Poland
    4. Brixton
    5. B


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