
Friday 7 September 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7th September, 2018

7th September, 2018.

Yep: it’s payday.

And yep: I’m officially wondering how long the cash is actually going to last.

It’s always the way, isn’t it … ?

At ANY rate … ?

I THINK I’m better off than British Airways.

They’ve just had a huge amount of customer data stolen.

Someone’s going to get fined.


Either way … ?

Either way, I’m looking forward to Monday: that’s my next day off.


I’m looking to that: AND to when the pay rise kicks in.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Actor, Toby Jones, was born on 7th September, 1966.   In which 2012 film does he play Gilderoy?
Q2) 7th September, 70 AD, saw a Roman army occupy which Middle Eastern city?
Q3) Ninety-two people were killed at an African National Congress rally: on 7th September, 1992.   In which country … ?
Q4) Nikita Khrushchev was named as leader of the USSR’s Communist Party: on 7th September, 1953.   What was his title: General Secretary, First Secretary or Cabinet Secretary?
Q5) Finally … 7th September, 2012, saw Canada cut diplomatic ties with which country?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 6th September is Independence Day in what was Swaziland.   Strictly speaking, the country’s called what?
A1) Umbuso weSwatini: or, the Kingdom of Eswatini, in English.
Q2) The Indian Army invaded West Pakistan: on 6th August, 1965.   What’s West Pakistan now called?
A2) The Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Q3) More to the point?   What’s East Pakistan now called?
Q4) 6th September is a minor Roman Catholic Feast day: dedicated to which minor Jewish Prophet.   Which Prophet: Haggai, Zechariah or Malachi?
A4) Zechariah.
Q5) 6th September is National Coffee Ice Cream Day: where?
A5) The good ol’ US of A.   (Coffee Ice Cream?   Debbi!!!!!!)
Q6) Finally …  the US Government started Operation Spade Fork: on 6th September, 1962.   The exercise was intended intended to prepare the US for what?
A6) A nuclear war.
Here’s a thought …
“Yeah, the industry has always been both the enemy and the best friend of the artist. They need each other. That’s the bottom line.”
Chrissie Hynde, born September 7, 1951.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Oh, there’s dates, Olga‡: thankfully, I usually have Sunday nights off, which is handy.   And I know what you mean about trains.   I always keep an eye peeled for job opportunities: and, most of the time, the public transport’s a big influencing factor.   I get the feeling that Spain — being the size it is — has more of a frequency issue.

†        I bet … !   :D   At any rate, Debbi‡, I’ve done a little double checking, and BBC America will be airing Dr Who on 7th October: the same day as the UK.   Weirdly?   They ALSO airing The X Files, as well.   I think it’s on Channel Four, over here.   There’s a lot of weird US food days.   Might be handy: makes an alternative to obscure saints … (You can tell Chrissie Hynde spent time in the UK: ‘feeling minted,’ having some spending cash?   That’s old UK slang … !)

‡        Going totally off the point, do either of you use Blogger as a hosting platform?   They’ve finally managed to get their email alert system working.   They took their time … !


  1. Q1) Berberian Sound Studio
    Q2) Jerusalem
    Q3) South Africa
    Q4) First Secretary
    Q5) Iran
    I heard about BA. It's been years since I've flown with them and I don't think I've ever bought a flight from them directly but... Oh, I haven't checked recently, but I think the trains in Spain tend to be fairly punctual (people are very aware that they can get refunds of 50% for half an hour delay in long-distance trains. We left with a delay on our way to Barcelona but got there on time, I must tell you).But you're right about frequency, in certain areas. I guess it's the same in the UK. Small train stations are dismantled or automatised and certain routes disappear...

  2. I don't use Blogger. It's a bit clunky compared to Wordpress.

    1. Berberian Sound Studio
    2. Jerusalem
    3. South Africa
    4. First Secretary
    5. Iran


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