
Monday 1 October 2018

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-10-2018: World Vegetarian Day

1st October, 2018.

Right … 

It’s official my kid sister, Ruth’s Birthday: so she’s got a hello in the opening video: and have a dozen bunny hops.

Which is nice … 

At any rate, Happy Birthday, Ruth … !


On other fronts … ?

I’m at the start of a (possibly) needed week off.

But one that’s not one I asked for.


I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for next week’s rota.

Right now … ?

I’m convinced finding a way to leave that lets me preserve any unemployment benefits?   Getting laid off, in my case?

Is the best option.

We’ll have to see.


And as a final front … ?

My boiler’s due to be fixed, at some point, today.

Between now and 1pm.

In all honesty, I’m hoping it’ll be a nice simple fix: and a nice simple fix that lasts.

But, equally honestly?

I’ve been working in a call centre that handles emergency repairs for the past couple of years.

And fielded a lot of calls that start “He hasn’t done the job right … !”


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Olga on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 1st October is World Vegetarian Day.   Vegetarians don’t eat what: meat, grains or fruit?
Q2) Which Christian group recommends vegetarianism: Anglicans, Roman Catholics or Seventh Day Adventists?
Q3) Which Roman writer backed vegetarianism, in his book, Metamorphoses?
Q4) If you’re a lacto-vegetarian, you eat dairy products … but not what?
Q5) Finally, if you don’t eat any animal products — milk, eggs, honey, what have you — you’re not just vegetarian, you’re … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) 30th September, 2018, mark’s this blog’s tenth birthday.   That means it started in which year?
A1) 2008.
Q2) It’s ALSO — arguably — this blog’s tenth anniversary.   Traditionally, which metal — in the UK — represents a tenth wedding anniversary?
A2) Tin.   (I’m blowed if I know why: tin’s atomic number is 50, and it’s got an average atomic weight of 118.71 u.)
Q3) Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar is ten years old.   Ten years is also known as which ‘D’?
A3) A decade.
Q4) The SI system of prefixes includes one for ten somethings: whether metres, litres or whatever else.   What’s the prefix for ten?
A4) Deca: deca gram, decametre, what have you.
Q5) There are Ten Commandments in Christianity.   Which other religion uses those commandments?
A5) Judaism.
Q6) Biblically?   Ten plagues were inflicted on Egypt.   In which book of the old Testament?
A6) Exodus.
Q7) Which Hindu deity is said to have ten different incarnations?
A7) Vishnu.
Q8) Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar has mostly been written on a Mac.   What’s the number of the current version of the operating system?
A8) macOS 10.14.   Originally, the OS was branded as Mac OS X: with the X being the Roman numeral for ten.
Q9) What’s the tenth sign of the Zodiac?
A9) Capricorn.
Q10) Finally … ?  Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar started ten years ago, today.   On which day of the week?
A10) A Tuesday.
Here’s a thought …
“No child, I think, can walk through a common market or slaughter-house without receiving moral injury; nor am I quite sure that any virtuous adult can.”
William Alcott.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        My pleasure, any time, Olga: and cheers for not singing!   :D   And my pleasure, suggestion wise.   I’m enough of a realist to know Macs are pricy: and to know even the most user friendly Linux distro can be worryingly unfamiliar.   That doesn’t stop me, though … (Oh, sorry about The score for yesterday, but strictly, the most recent version of macOS is 10•14: Mojave’s the name, 10•14’s the number!)

†        Yep, it was a Tuesday, Debbi!   The quizzes mostly were Tuesday’s, Wednesday and Thursday: so it tied into them.   As for solicitors and barristers?   Apparently, the wigs have to be second hand.   If they’re not?   It’s bad luck!   And untraditional!   I’ve a mental image of Graham Chapman …


  1. Q1) Meat
    Q2) Seventh Day Adventists
    Q3) Ovid
    Q4) eggs
    Q5) A vegan
    Happy birthday to your sister Ruth. They are celebrating the festival of cinema and that means cheaper movies for the next three days. I’ll try and make the best out of it, so if you don’t see me around much, I’ll probably be at a screen not so near you.
    Good luck on the job and the boiler front.

  2. Happy birthday to Ruth! :)

    By the time you get this, it'll be belated birthday wishes. :)

    1. meat
    2. Seventh Day Adventists
    3. Ovid
    4. eggs
    5. vegan


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