
Sunday 30 September 2018

Nik Nak’s Tenth Anniversary Teaser: 30-9-2018: Now We Are Ten …

30th September, 2018.

Yes … 

It’s Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar’s tenth birthday!

Here: here’s that very first post.

Just in case you’re interested … 

The blog started as an advert for the pub quizzes I was running, back then.

And as a way of freely publishing the question sets I used.

Quite frankly?   There were never enough free quiz questions around that quiz masters could use.

It’s evolved, since: morphing into a site that still hands out free quiz questions, but also tells you about movies and TV shows I’ve watched, technology I’ve used, Macs*, and practically anything else that came to mind.

I’ve learnt a few things, too.

Basic HTML tags, where to find legally useable pictures, when to give up on a copyright fight.

Which is a long story.

It’s a fascinating trip, and I’m planning to keep going.

You never know what’ll happen.


And what do I end up doing … ?

On this day … ?

What, I hear you ask, have I been doing … ?

Filling the bath with a kettle.

My boiler’s acting up … 


Actually, and JUST as a final note?

I’m ALSO going to thank both Debbi Mack, and Olga Nuñez Miret: and anyone else who’s comment, over the years.

You guys make this possible!

Thanking you for reading!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 30th September, 2018, mark’s this blog’s tenth birthday.   That means it started in which year?
Q2) It’s ALSO — arguably — this blog’s tenth anniversary.   Traditionally, which metal — in the UK — represents a tenth wedding anniversary?
Q3) Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar is ten years old.   Ten years is also known as which ‘D’?
Q4) The SI system of prefixes includes one for ten somethings: whether metres, litres or whatever else.   What’s the prefix for ten?
Q5) There are Ten Commandments in Christianity.   Which other religion uses those commandments?
Q6) Biblically?   There were ten plagues inflicted on Egypt.   In which book of the old Testament?
Q7) Which Hindu deity is said to have ten different incarnations?
Q8) Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar has mostly been written on a Mac.   What’s the version number of the current version of the operating system?
Q9) What’s the tenth sign of the Zodiac?
Q10) Finally … ?  Nik Nak’s Old Peculiar started ten years ago, today.   On which day of the week?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Britain’s Metropolitan police were founded: on 29th September of which year of the 1820s?
A1) 1829.
Q2) Which city of the UK does the Met work in … ?
A2) London: or Greater London, to be picky.
Q3) Famously, the Met doesn’t work in which City?
A3) The City of London.   The City is the historical heart of London: and policed by a separate force.   This is the bit of London that’s governed by the Lord Mayor.
Q4) Met police officers are known as bobies, and peelers: after the force’s historical founder.   Who was that founder?
A4) Sir Robert Peel.
Q5) Finally … ?   Who’s the current leader — or Commissioner — of the Met?
Here’s a thought …
“I have a problem with the Ten Commandments. Here it is: Why are there ten? We don't need that many. I think the list of commandments was deliberately and artificially inflated to get it up to ten. It's clearly a padded list.”
George Carlin.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        I mentioned, a couple of days ago, how I felt the adjustable split screen in macOS Mojave was possibly handy.   It’s proved that: to me at, least.   I’ve recently re-recorded a video for an up coming Teaser: it allowed me to read a question set, whilst keeping an eye on what Quicktime was doing, AND staying focused on my iMac’s camera.

†        You’re right, Olga, Apple are more know for anything BUT donations: although, if your local CeX — or its equivalent — are looking for a tax break, they might be able to help.   Actually, if anyone at the stations’s feeling brave?   And pure as an experiment?   They might want to try and install Ubuntu Studio on one of their machines: and see if it’s any good.   Ubuntu is open source, aimed at creatives … and they hand it out for free … 

‡        Yep, that’s where the term’s come from, Debbi!   Quite where any other terms for ‘policeman’ come from … ?   I really couldn’t tell you!   :D   At any rate, ‘private dick’ is always a term I’ve looked sideways at: I go into Nudge Nudge mode.   Private Dick, hey, Dick, hey: know what I mean?   Nudge, nudge!   Say no more!   (I look at the term ‘solicitor,’ in the same way.   They’re allowed to solicit, after all.)


  1. Happy Birthday to you! Don't worry, I won't sing!
    Q1) 2008! Happy anniversary!
    Q2) Tin or aluminium
    Q3) a Decade
    Q4) Deca
    Q5) Judaism
    Q6) Exodus
    Q7) Vishnu
    Q8) Mojave
    Q9) Capricorn
    Q10) Tuesday!
    I have not met any of the techies at the station yet, I don't think (there've always been people coming and going when I've been there, but if I was working with the headphones on I have not really paid that much attention, but I'll investigate once I am a bit more familiar with the place and the people). Thanks for the suggestions.

  2. That'a funny about solicitor vs. barrister. Almost as funny as those wigs the barristers wear! :)

    1. 2008
    2. tin
    3. decade
    4. deca
    5. Judaism
    6. Exodus
    7. Vishnu
    8. 10.14
    9. Capricorn
    10. Tuesday

    You started on a Tuesday? I'm impressed.


I love it when someone comments. But, having had anonymous comments I feel may be libellous, actionable or just plain offensive, over the years?

I’d appreciate you* leaving your name — with a link to your website or social-media profile†, for preference — before you post a comment.

Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

Contentious, actionable or abusive posts left anonymously will not be posted. Nor will comments using offensive pseudonyms or language, or that are abusive of other commenters.

Thank you.

*   I know many value their online privacy. I respect that. But hope you respect my wish to see who’s commenting on my blog: and my wish for you to introduce your self to me, and to your fellow commentors.

†   Your Facebook, X/Twitter, Blogger, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn profile are acceptable. I also like seeing folks webpages.